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Multifandom Websites

Multifandom archives feature stories inspired by more than one source, such as multiple television shows, films, books, or a combination thereof.- Category ID : 30867
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Automated story archive, arranged by genre, searchable by author, title, and keyword.
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Amalgam: A Fiction Page

Original fiction and works, including Star Trek (all generations) and Babylon 5.
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Fan Fiction

Various works from television, music and movies.
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KerJen Fanfiction

Works primarily centered on Star Wars and Star Trek: TOS movies.
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A New Life

Story written by 3 teens based on their favorite shows, movies, and music.
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Fanfiction Index

Quantum Leap, Kung Fu: The Legend Continues, Forever Knight, and anime fiction by Amparo Bertram.
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The Duncan Twins Home Page

Works from Highlander, Invisible Man, Kindred, Poltergeist the Legacy and Stargate SG-1.
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Jane Austen, Star Wars and Wheel of Time spoofs.
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The Interplanetary Railroad: Group-Written Science Fiction

Original stories and fiction written round robin style.
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Savage Garden Fan Fiction

Vampire Chronicles, Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, and Due South stories.
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Lair of the Stealthbunnies

Fiction for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, X-Men, and Devilman.
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Idea No. 8

Stories based on The West Wing, Andromeda, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, ER, and Farscape. Also includes quotes.
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Final Fantasy VIII and Harry Potter works.
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The Haven Fan Fiction Archive

Science fiction works including X-Men.
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The Glass Onion Archive

Web host for mailing list of the same name. Stories based on more than a dozen fandoms including Alias, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and The X-Files.
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Hellmouth East

A series of crossover stories by Richard Ruth involving Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Highlander, Poltergeist: The Legacy, Kindred: The Embraced, and the X-Files.
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The Hall of the Terrian King

A variety of TV shows, old and new, and movies.
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Anubis Soundwave - Toon Tone TV Network

A multifaceted site of fan fiction and art..
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My Fanfiction Centre Home

Fan fiction for various fandoms including Stargate SG-1, JAG, Charmed, and West Wing.
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A collection of stories specially formatted for the 3Com PalmPilot, IBM Workpad, Psion PDA, TI Avigo or WinCE handheld device.
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Directory of sites with stories in a variety of fandoms and hosts archives for The Pretender, Profiler, and Space: Above and Beyond.
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Winds of Destiny

Currently has sections on Gundam Wing and Escaflowne.
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Mightier Than the Sword

A fan fiction archive, with stories organized by author, title, category and series.
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