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Basses Websites

The bass is the lowest male voice.- Category ID : 30635
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Colombara, Carlo

Information about the Italian bass available in various languages. Includes biography, discography, dates, reviews, photos, and audio.
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Dickerson, Christopher

Bass opera singer. Schedule, contact, biography, resume, and photographs.
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Kavrakos, Dimitri

Bass. Biography, photographs, calendar, repertoire, reviews, and links.
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Kruglov, Jurij

Ukrainian bass opera singer. Photos, vitae, repertory, and biography.
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Pape, Rene

Official website of the German Bass which includes biography, repertoire, discography and photo gallery.
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Bilgili, Burak

Official site includes biography, repertoire, and photo gallery of the Turkish bass.
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Chaliapin, Fyodor Ivanovich

Russian basso, lived 1873 to 1938. Short biography and list of recordings.
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Magoulas, Petros

An active opera and concert singer, born in Athens, Greece. Includes a discography, list of roles, photos and MP3 samples.
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Uloth, Michael

Canadian Bass. Biography, engagements, repertoire, audio, reviews, and contact information.
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Wittmoser, Carsten

German bass, includes a brief profile and repertoire. [German/English]
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Theule, Gerrit

Canadian/American bass. Brief biography, resumé, photos, and upcoming performances.
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Kyropoulos, Dionysios

Greek bass. Biography, upcoming performances and contact details.
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Davies, Neal

Welsh bass. Biography, RealAudio samples, Hyperion discography.
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Cornwell, Joseph

English bass. Biography, Hyperion discography.
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Connell, John

English bass. Biography, Hyperion discography.
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Howell, Gwynne

Welsh bass. Biography, Hyperion discography.
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Kostopoulos, Vassilis

Official site of the Athenian bass. Biography, C.V., future engagements, photograph gallery and contact.
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Reeves, Paul

Details of the British bass opera and classical singer, including CV, biography, photographs, and press reviews.
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