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Baritones Websites

A male voice with a range between than of the tenor and the bass.- Category ID : 30623
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Meoni, Giovanni

Baritone. Biography, repertoire, reviews, audio, photographs, and contacts. [English/Italian]
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Massimo Cavalletti

News, biography, images, audio and video files, contacts and guestbook. [Italian/English]
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Ribis, Gabriele

Information, photo and audio clips of this young Italian baritone.
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Kupfer, Jochen

German baritone. Biography, repertoire, photographs, reviews, and links. [English/German/Japanese]
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Allenby, Will

Biography, show description and photo gallery about the British baritone.
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Ataneli, Lado

Verdi and Verismo baritone; includes biography, reviews, repertoire, and sound files.
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Doyle, Grant

Australian Baritone. Biography, photographs, MP3s, reviews, roles, and concert experience.
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Edelmann, Paul Armin

Young opera and operetta baritone from Austria. Biography, reviews, repertoire, discography, sound and video files, photos, and news.
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Egmond, Max van

Personal website of the baritone including an interview, biography, discography, agenda and an invitation to discussion.
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Allen, Thomas

Biography, RealAudio samples, Hyperion discography.
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Finley, Gerald

Canadian baritone. Biography, Hyperion discography.
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Frater , Jamie

The official website of New Zealand baritone opera singer. Includes biography, photos, articles and calendar events.
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Gilbert, Randall

Biography, discography, and tour listing for this pop and classical baritone.
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Gunn, Nathan

Yahoo! Group for discussion about baritone Nathan Gunn.
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Harvey, Peter

English baritone. Contact details, biography, photographs, CDs, news, reviews, and sound samples.
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Herford, Henry

Scottish baritone. Biography, Hyperion discography.
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Jackson, Richard

English baritone. Biography, RealAudio samples, Hyperion discography.
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Jones, Paul Carey

A professional classically-trained baritone working in opera, oratorio, concert, rectial, and recording. Biography, CV, appearances, photos, and news.
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Nolte, Raimund

Baritone. Includes reviews, repertoire and audio files.
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Redd, Fredrick

American baritone. Repertoire, reviews, schedule, sound clips and discography.
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Rucker, Mark

Baritone international opera singer. Listen to audio clips and view his bio, repertoire, critical acclaim, and photo gallery.
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Williams, Jeremy Huw

Baritone from Wales with a growing international reputation. News, reviews, biography, photo gallery, and discography. In English and Welsh.
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Bording, Peter

Dutch baritone. Official site inclides biography, repertoire, calendar, reviews, pictures and audio samples.
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Bastianini, Ettore

The complete discography of the Italian baritone. [English/Italian]
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Berg, Nathan

Canadian baritone. Biography, audio samples, Hyperion discography.
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Coleman-Wright, Peter

Australian baritone. Biography, Hyperion discography.
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Cross, Gregory

Baritone. Appeared in opera, musicals, theatre, and television across Canada and Great Britain.
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Genz, Stephan

German baritone. Biography, Hyperion discography.
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Wade, Eddie

Baritone based in England, includes his resume of roles, reviews and blog.
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Jesse, Dennis

Biography, repertoire, resume, and reviews for the American baritone.
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Cummings, Andrew

Includes profile, lists of recent and scheduled performances, repertoire with audio clips, and photographs. New York, USA.
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Womack, Mark

American lyric baritone. Biography, schedule, resume, management and contact information.
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Wolfe, Nyle

Irish operatic baritone, includes audio samples, video, photos, music and biography.
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Potter, Thomas

Biographical and repertoire information, production photographs and sound clips, and reviews of the American operatic baritone.
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Pomponi, Franco

Provides his schedule, biography, C.V., management and contact information, photograph and media galleries.
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Hollis, Zeffin Quinn

American baritone, provides his biography, featured performances, photos and audio samples.
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Di Felice, Marco

Italian baritone, provides reviews, photos, a video gallery and discography. [Italian/English]
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Golder, Andrew

Opera / concert baritone and narrator, provides biography, repertoire, press reviews, photographs, recordings and contact details.
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Hynninen, Jorma

Finnish baritone. Biography, select discography.
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Cemore, Alan

Italian-American operatic baritone, provides his resume, repertoire lists, photos, press, performance dates, audio excerpts and contact details.
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Mascarenhas, Claudio

Brazilian operatic baritone and actor, now based in New York. Includes repertoire and resume, schedule and multimedia content.
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Michaels-Moore, Anthony

British winner of the 1985 Luciano Pavarotti Competition. Provides his biography, engagements, list of recordings with audio samples.
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Davies, Gavin

Profile of the Welsh baritone with biography and pictures.

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