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Instruments Websites

Musical instruments from the western world of the Baroque, Renaissance, Medieval and earlier periods.- Category ID : 28358
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Culturekiosque Klassiknet: Baroque Instruments

A dictionary to provide the music lover with a reasonable amount of information about period instruments.
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Rebec Page

Origin and history of the rebec, construction, playing, tuning, bibliography, and many illustrations.
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Contrabass Compendium

A list of bass and contrabass instruments, past and present.
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Links to History of Musical Instruments

Includes links to museums and collections, historical guides, historical sources and facsimiles, societies, individual instruments, and world instruments.
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The Saxon Lyre

History, construction, and playing techniques.
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Diabolus in Musica Guide to Early Instruments

Information on as many early instruments as possible.
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Lute-Harpsichord: A Forgotten Instrument

Bach sought, and had custom-built, a harpsichord which sounded like a lute. Detailed description of history and construction.
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Curtal, Dulcian, Bajón: A History of the Precursor to the Bassoon

A book by Maggie Kilbey charting the history and development of the instrument and includes a catalogue of extant instruments around the world.
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Kenneth Sparr

Information about lute, guitar and early keyboards.
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Neanderthal Flute

Musicological analysis by Bob Fink of the oldest musical instrument, including its significance to the origin of music.
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Stages in Evolution of Scales, Melody and Harmony

Paper about the stages in the origins of music and its development.
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Bate Collection of Musical Instruments

An extensive and systematic collection of European orchestral woodwind instruments donated to the University of Oxford by Philip Bate.
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Early music in various manifestations by Mark W Venn, including handmade Renaissance woodwind instruments, Cotswold Early Music Festival (formerly the Cirencester Early Music Festival), and the "Mozart" music software.
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A description of the Dulcian or Curtal, which is the Renaissance predecessor of the bassoon.
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Renaissance Cittern Page

Information on its history, articles, art, music, recordings, players, composers, and builders.
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National Music Museum

Founded as an academic support unit of The University of South Dakota, this collection includes more than 10,000 American, European, and non-Western instruments from virtually all cultures and historical periods.

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