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Shakespeare Websites

This category is for listings of sites related to the author William Shakespeare, his writings, and Shakespearean literary resources. Material related to the theatrical performance and productions of his plays and such can be found at Arts/Performing Arts/Theatre/Shakespeare. Further listings of websites on Shakespeare and his works may be found in the list of Open Directory Related categories.- Category ID : 10200
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Shakespeare Illustrated

Nineteenth-century paintings, criticism, theatrical productions, and influences of the plays.
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The Shakespeare Resource Center

Synopses of plays, authorship debates, and a Shakespeare store.
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Shakespeare Online

Links to other Shakespeare sites.
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Shakespeare Index

An index of articles.
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REED Presents: Shakespeare

Full texts, life and times, theatre associations, links to other Shakespeare sites. From the University of Victoria.
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The Cleveland Press Shakespeare Photographs

Hundreds of images of Shakespeare productions.
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Shakespeare and the French Poet: An Interview with Yves Bonnefoy

Yves Bonnefoy, a translator of Shakespeare into French, discusses the art of translating Shakespeare.
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USC LibGuides: William Shakespeare

Extensive collection of resources of Shakespeare and his works, compiled by Anthony Anderson, a librarian at the University of Southern California.
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Drafts of Early Texts

Transcriptions of the plays as they appeared when originally published; study guides.
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World of Shakespeare

Shakespeare and the English Renaissance (1564 – 1616)
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Internet Resources

Websites that address Shakespeare specifically.
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Illinois Shakespeare Festival

Information on performances and season schedule.
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Shakespeare Society of America

To provide programs which inspire education and personal development through the Works of William Shakespeare.

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