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Fixed Verse Forms Websites

Fixed Verse Forms are those that specify rather precisely such poetic elements as word choice, rhyme scheme, meter, or number of syllables per line. Some, such as the villanelle and pantoum, specify repetition of specific lines; others, such as the sestina, specify repetition of specific words. Fixed forms now listed under this category include terza rima, the cinquain, the pantoum, the rondeau, the rondel, the rondelet, the sestina, the sonnet, and the villanelle. The clerihew, limerick, and haiku are cross-listed here as well.- Category ID : 9628
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Form Reports

Descriptions and examples of the kyrielle, terza rima, sapphics, the rondeau, the sonnet, the villanelle, and the sestina. From a course taught by Alberto Rios.
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Poetry Forms and Terminology

A compendium of links to sites that define, explain, and give examples of a variety of poetic forms.
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Craft of Poetry

A course on writing poems in rhyme, meter, and inherited forms. Covers the sonnet, sestina, and villanelle, among others. Taught by Vince Gotera and Damon McLaughlin at the University of Northern Iowa.
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Personality Quiz - What Poetry Form Am I?

A quiz of personal characteristics that leads to a humorous poem in one of several forms, including the cinquain, triolet, sonnet, and terza rima.
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deviantART: poetic-forms

An online community of poets interested in trying out various poetic forms. Includes write-ups on each form, with examples, by members of the community.
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The Desolation Poems: Poetic Forms Used in English

Poems by Jan Haag in each of 300 forms used in the English Language.
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The Academy of American Poets - Poetic Forms & Techniques

Essays on fixed forms that first appeared in the National Poetry Almanac.
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Verse Forms

Descriptions with examples of the triolet, terzanelle, terza rima, villanelle, and clerihew.
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Shadow Poetry

Explanations of a wide variety traditional and recently invented poetic forms with examples by Shadow Poets.
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Guide to Verse Forms

Descriptions and examples by Bob Newman of a variety of verse forms.
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The Poets Garret

Explanations and examples of a variety of poetic forms, including Celtic and Asian forms, as well most Western forms. Readers are invited to submit their own examples of each form.
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Table of Forms

Short descriptions of both stanza and poetic forms, with examples. By H.T. Kirby-Smith at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
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A collection of articles on writing poetry, including articles on such forms as the sestina, the sonnet, the triolet, and the villanelle.
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Poetry Kaleidoscope: Guide to Poetry

Brief explanations with examples of nearly all aspects of poetry, including forms, types, techniques, and national histories.
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Workshops in Poetic Forms

Descriptions with examples of a variety of poetic forms, including the cinquain, kyrielle, pantoum, rondeau, sonnet, and triolet. From Forward Press.
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Poetry Knowledge Zone

Lessons by Smitha Chakravartula on many aspects of poetry, including such fixed forms as the pantoum, sonnet, villanelle, and terza rima. Part of a much larger site on art and culture, focusing on the cultural heritage of India.
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Web Exhibits: Poetry through the Ages

A description and step-by-step guide to writing a number of poetic forms with numerous examples. Includes a brief history of poetry and a glossary of poetic terms.
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Poetry Through the Ages

The history of a number of fixed verse forms, with famous examples and instructions of how to write them. Includes famous, classic, obscure, and 21st Century forms.
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Poetry Soup

A large site with many sections, including definitions, descriptions, and examples of a wide variety of poetic forms.
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Stepping Stones

Terzanelles and Villanelles by Erin A. Thomas.
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Poetry Terms and Poetry Forms

Definitions, with an anthology of poetry on a variety of subjects.
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Young Writers Glossary of Poetry Types

Written for British school children. Contains descriptions and instructions for writing a wide variety of fixed poetic forms.

Subcategories under Fixed Verse Forms 14

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