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English as a Second Language Websites

Websites in this category and its subcategories contain English as a Second Language (ESL) resources for students and teachers. ESL is the learning and teaching of the English language to people who are not native speakers of English, that is, that do not have English as their mother tongue. Regarding terminology, "ESL" is the term commonly used in the USA, in Canada it is also known as English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and in the rest of the world it is known as English as a Foreign Language (EFL).- Category ID : 5103
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English Language Self Access Centre

Fee based learning modules for self-assessment, vocabulary and grammar which includes a free demonstration. For beginner to advanced students as well as teachers.
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ESL Partyland

Provides many interactive quizzes, discussion forums and topic-based learning pages for students. On the teachers side, lessons and printable materials to use in class.
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The Linguistic Funland TESL Page

Information for teachers and students on finding penpals, teaching materials, activities, and jobs.
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Includes student and teacher forums, chat, job center, multilingual helplines, links directory, resource library and, study materials. Also a bank of teacher contributed teaching ideas, multilingual translation help, and interactive lessons.
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The British Council

Aims to connect people worldwide with learning opportunities and creative ideas from the UK. Includes resources for teachers and students.
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Study Business and Academic English

Courses, materials and resources for students and teachers of academic and business English. Requires RealAudio and RealVideo.
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English Language Learning Online

Question bank for students, language forum, tests, language news for teachers, and an irregular verb list program.
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Oxford Seminars

ESL teacher training certificate courses across North America.
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Longman English Language Teaching

Educational publisher of resources for all ages and abilities (nursery - post 16) across the curriculum.
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A Guide to Learning English as a Second Language

Grammar and vocabulary quizzes and tips for teachers, parents and students.
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Accent Modification Training

Provides pronunciation improvement programs for international speakers of English as well as information about the English language.
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Resources for teachers and students with a variety of free learning and teaching materials, all categorized for access by skill and level.
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Lesson plans and activities for grade 9-12 students learning English as a foreign language and their teachers.

Subcategories under English as a Second Language 9

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