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Woodworking Websites

This category contains the information available to assist the woodworker, whether hobbyist or professional. The information contained herein covers the subject in a broad sense. The product of the activities of the woodworker is not contained here. That information would be listed in the Shopping or Business categories.- Category ID : 4638
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Woodworking industry resource.
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Electronic Neanderthal Woodworker

Traditional woodworking resources, lore, and events for the woodworker who prefers hand tools.
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New Yankee Workshop

The Public Television favorite with Master Carpenter Norm Abram.
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Woodworking Australia

Dedicated to woodworking in Australia, emphasizing woodturning and finishing and also featuring bulletin board and listings of all Australian and New Zealand woodworking clubs.
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David Finck Woodworker

Author and teacher, David Finck has 16 years experience designing and building acoustic guitars, fine furniture and lighting fixtures.
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Links to a wide range of items and information for the woodworker, includes chat and bulletin board. From
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Greenwood Working

John Alexander teaches about techniques and tools for making seating from green wood.
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Geoffs Woodwork

Resources for students to promote interests in woodworking including cabinet making, carpentry, joinery and related topics.
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Scrollsaw Association of The World - SAW

International, non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of scrollsawing.
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This Old Workshop

Offers an online magazine with tool reviews and information for the home shop enthusiast.
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Sawdust Making 101

Dollar wise tips and hints for the beginner, plus a variety of simple entry level projects.
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rec.woodworking tidbits

Site links to FAQs and woodworking related sites.
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The Golfing Cabinetmaker

Personal, non commercial site offering free desktop themes for woodworkers and golfers along with a gallery of completed furniture projects, golf humor and tips.
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In The Woodshop - Woodworking with Howard Ruttan

Articles, photos, tips, links, and other resources to help the recreational woodworker develop skills, select tools and organize a woodshop.
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Joe Woodworker

Information on building a vacuum veneer press along with articles, links and recent projects.
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Crowley Woodworking Page

Personal gallery of woodworking, woodturning, and scroll saw projects.
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Rustic Rick

Rustic sculpture and furniture pieces by Rick Boyd.
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Online hub for technical information on woodworking and related projects, machinery, and techniques.
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Women in Woodworking

Offers galleries, links to information and member sites, and a forum.
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Woodworking information, discussions, chats, articles and sources for everything the woodworker needs.
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An Internet community providing message boards, latest news, links, and stories.
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Site offers a classifieds section and forums.
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Has woodworking forums, tips, plans and tool reviews.
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Provides tool reviews, explanation of techniques, and step by step project plans.
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Craft House Mana

Tadatoshi Manabe combines a love of fishing with traditional woodworking of Japan.
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Sawdust and Shavings

Features projects, reviews of hand and power tools, book reviews, rants and a hardwood information chart.
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Woodwork Forums

Forum for all woodworkers both professional and amateur to seek and give help, make observations and statements.
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Woodworking Tips & Tools

Offers a discussion forum on tools, DIY projects, and projects gallery.
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Joe Harmon Design

Graduate Student Joseph Harmon of N.C. State University is building a wooden supercar. This car made of wood is designed to compete with high-end sports cars.
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A video blog on "The Art and Craft of Wood".
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WoodWorkers WebRing

The large webring of sites on every topic of woodworking.

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