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This category is for comics and cartoons that appear in a strip format (that is, a small series of panels) or as a single panel. Newspaper comics belong in this category. So do many Web comics, if they appear as a regularly updated series of small episodes under a single title, rather than separate comics stories.- Category ID : 3442
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Elf Life

Daily internet comic strip features myth, slapstick and adventure. By Carson Fire. With background information and archive.
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Evil Love Comic

A "bong head" and his beer drinking genius pal, Simon.
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Elsie Hooper

Features a black and white serial that appears in the Umass Daily Collegian. Created by Robert D. Krzykowski.
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Elf Only Inn

Cut and paste comic about role playing chatrooms - includes archive of past comics and character profiles.
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Everyday People Cartoons

About women - includes reader kudos and information about the creator. By Cathy Thorne.
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Experiments In College Ruled

A webcomic detailing the woes of High School life. Updated Weekly.
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Extra Life

A cartoon about and for gamers. By Scott Johnson.
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El Goonish Shive

A series about a group of teenagers and the bizarre, often supernatural, situations that they face.
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Edible Dirt

Dark, odd humor. Not for everyone. Not for kids. By Matt Rosemier.
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Eternal Caffeine Junkie

Funny color strip by Stephanie Burrows.
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End Times

Following four girls and their dates with destiny.
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Eagle DNA

Comics by Bob Scott.
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Existence Unknown

Science fiction and adventure webcomic with some humor, created by Martin Borgman.
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Home of the "Cyanide and Happiness" strip.
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Emergency Exit

Features a cartoon about crazy roommates, giant hammers, hidden closets of doom, and evil chickens plotting world domination. Includes an archive and a list of characters.
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