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Pyramids Websites

Pyramids are stone structures with a square base and sloping sides meeting at the apex. In ancient Egypt they were built as burial monuments. They are usually very large monolithic structures with only a few small rooms.- Category ID : 2406
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The Construction of the Pyramids

An illustrated guide to the construction, architecture and the evolution of the design of the pyramids from the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.
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Pyramids: The Inside Story

NOVA Online tours the Great Pyramid in QuickTime VR, explains how the pyramids were constructed and by whom. Also covers a 1997 excavation of the bakery that fed the pyramid builders.
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The Upuaut Project

Computer-based study combined with robotic investigation of the shafts in the Great Pyramid of Cheops by engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink. He argues that they were not air shafts.
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Great Pyramid of Khufu - El Giza, Egypt - Great Buildings Online

Great Pyramid of Khufu by unknown architect, at El Giza, Egypt, -2600 to -2480, in the Great Buildings Online.
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The Pyramids

An illustrated description of the evolution of the Egyptian pyramids and discussion of how they were built from King Tut Includes a virtual model of the Great Pyramid.
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Egyptian Centres of Cult Worship

Photographs and sectional drawings of the Egyptian pyramids.
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The Pyramids of Egypt

Photographs by Frank P. Roy together with brief information, and site plans of pyramid complexes. Also a timeline and pyramid statistics, with sources, a map of Egypt and uncritical discussion of the Orion theory.
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Engineering the Pyramids

Professor Michel Barsoum describes evidence that parts of the Great Pyramids of Giza were built using an early form of concrete.
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The Step Pyramid Complex of Djoser

Clickable plan and images, provided by the University of Pennsylvania.
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