The world has become increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability. This is mainly due to the rapid urbanization of rural areas and the effect this has had on the environment. Namely, global warming has put pressure on the world to rely on green energy sources. This has, in turn, led to a sudden increase in the popularity of solar panels. And it makes sense; taking advantage of solar energy is easy, and this method can spread quickly. Whether this is on a larger scale or per household, it’s undeniable that solar panels are very common now. But how have solar panels affected sustainability in urban environments exactly? Today we hope to answer that question as we examine the role of solar panels in urban sustainability.
The benefits of solar panels
Compared to other renewable energy sources, solar energy grew the fastest overall. This is because, unlike hydropower, nuclear, or biomass energy, solar energy doesn’t rely on water in any way. This is important in urban sustainability because other options often lead to water shortages. Solar panels don’t require any water to function, so they neither create problems with water consumption nor escalate current ones. As such, it’s much easier to incorporate solar energy into new construction compared to everything else. In addition, solar panels are typically installed on the roofs of buildings, where they are completely out of the way and unobstructed. These are the main reasons why urban developers have been investing in renewable energy in the form of solar panels recently. After all, there is a good reason why solar energy is currently the most widespread clean energy source and is likely to keep this lead going forward.
Solar panels help create cleaner air
As cities continue to grow rapidly, urban environments become less and less healthy to live in. This can be seen clearly in the fact that the air in cities tends to become quite dirty. This is due to all the smoke released through chimneys, cars, and other sources. Solar panels help partially fix this problem as they create no byproduct when generating electricity. Other sources of energy, such as biomass burners, tend to create a lot of smoke. And while biomass energy contributes to eliminating waste, smoke is still a problem. Solar panels, on the other hand, are completely clean and environmentally friendly. However, it’s important to remember to keep your solar panels maintained. Part of this is solar panel bird control, and when it comes to this, it’s best to leave it to specialists. Birds can seriously damage your solar panels, so don’t ignore this problem.
Solar panels reduce the need for typical fuels
One of the biggest parts of the role of solar panels in urban sustainability is reducing the need for fuel. After all, regular energy sources require a lot of fuel to supply a city. And as cities continue to rapidly grow in size, we need more and more fuel to sustain the need for electricity. Solar panels, on the other hand, only need the sun to create electricity. As such, this source of renewable energy can help massively reduce our reliance on fuel. Needless to say, this is incredibly important in the long run, and urban developers understand it perfectly. On a more individual level, however, you should know what to prepare for during the solar panel installation process. If you want to have solar panels installed in your home, it’s a good idea to prepare for it ahead of time to make sure nothing goes wrong.
Solar energy is vital for zero-emission buildings
One of the goals of urban developers is to create buildings with no emissions and no carbon footprint. In order to achieve this, a source of on-site renewable energy is a must. And while they’re just a piece of the puzzle, solar panels are a big part of it. Experts are working on a solar, wind, and rainwater harvester which could theoretically lead to a fully sustainable building. It should go without saying that something like this would be a massive step forward when it comes to sustainability. So, the role of solar panels in urban sustainability is rather vital. However, it’s important to think about maintenance as well. Experts from note that, without regular maintenance, solar panels can lose a lot of their effectiveness. Therefore, it’s vital to maintain your solar panels properly maintained if you want them to continue providing the electricity needed.
Solar energy plays a big part in creating eco-cities
Eco-cities are cities aiming to create a fully sustainable and eco-friendly urban environment. Currently, there are two examples: PlanIT Valley in Portugal and Masdar City in Abu Dhabi. There are more of these cities being worked on in the world, and they all rely on several sources of renewable energy, namely, solar and wind energy. Rainwater collection is also vital in eco-cities, as it’s a pillar of sustainability. All in all, while they are still a relatively new concept, eco-cities are a massive step forward in eco-friendly and sustainable living. And without solar panels to provide a lot of completely clean energy, eco-cities wouldn’t be possible. However, it is also vital to focus on sustainability on an individual level and make your home energy efficient. Remember, every little bit counts, so do everything you can to be as energy efficient as possible in the long run.
The role of solar panels in urban sustainability – wrap up
Sustainability in urban environments is becoming more and more important every day. As cities around the world continue to expand rapidly, we need some way to reduce the impact on the environment. Renewable energy sources are a big part of this effort; solar panels, in particular, have allowed for massive improvements. On their own, solar panels reduce the need for fuel, contribute to cleaner air, and don’t escalate any issues. We hope this look into the role of solar panels in urban sustainability was informative, and we wish you a great rest of your day.