Odometer Calibration — Principles of Operation and Main Reasons for Changing Odometer Readings

To properly rewind the speedometer on some cars, you will have to work hard. After all, the mileage can be recorded at more than ten different locations.

Odometer adjustment is very delicate, and inaccurate movements can lead to a breakdown in the event of a mechanical change. Electronic odometers can also make many mistakes, which can lead to breakdowns and costly repairs. Consequently, it is better to use proven and high-quality speedometer calibration devices.

There is an excellent alternative to winding the speedometer — devices for stopping it. The device connects without soldering, cutting wires, or any other complex modifications. You plug it into the standard connectors, and you’re done. Depending on the car, the installation of the device takes no more than 1-2 hours.

How does the speedometer stop on a car work

The tool works on the principle of a filter tuned to pass signals in a specific frequency range. It blocks the passage of pulses from speed sensors, ABS, and other systems. Thereby:

  • Everything happens safely for the car. The device for stopping the speedometer does not generate any signals. It simply blocks the impulses responsible for changing data and mileage.
  • The run stops in all units and systems where it is recorded.
  • The device is invisible to any diagnostic equipment. Even dealership scanners cannot see the device connected to the vehicle. It makes it suitable even for warranty machines.
  • Stopping the run in all electronic units and systems of the car will be guaranteed.

Speedometer roll-up is practically the most popular service in the used car market. Most resellers and those who want to sell their car at a higher price resort to this practice. After all, the readings of the mileage counter significantly affect the price, regardless of the year of manufacture of the car.

When do you need to calibrate the odometer?

No matter how anyone relates to the procedure for changing the odometer indicators, in some cases, this is a necessity. For example, when installing a new engine, of course, the mileage will have to be twisted. Because the correct maintenance of the car’s power unit depends on this, and the quality of its work, respectively. The exact requirements apply to the overhaul of a car engine.

It happens that the odometer readings will need to be corrected when installing a new dashboard since it is unlikely that the indicators of the new panel will ideally converge with those of your car.

Another reason for adjusting the mileage and odometer is installing wheels with a larger diameter than provided by the manufacturer. The installed speedometer does not distinguish what diameter the wheels are installed on the car.

Therefore, it will count the distance traveled following the parameters of the wheels of the diameter provided by the manufacturer.

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