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Teams Websites

Teams of people that compete in Adventure Racing. For more information in adventure racing see the main page: Category ID : 461857
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Team H.A.R.T.

Houston, TX based adventure racing team. HART information, training clinics and photos.
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Team Booz-Allen/COTTON USA

Biographies, photos, articles, sponsors, and information.
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Team Orange Triangle Adventure Racing

Illinois based adventure racing team. Pictures, race updates, adventure race links, gear lists, gear store.
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Team Pull My Finger

Texas based team. Bios, photos, weblog.
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Team High Profile

Based in the Quad Cities, Illinois and Iowa. Biographies, race links, gear reviews and race calendar.
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Team International Adventurers

Team aiming for the ARWorld Championships. Race reports, links, biographies, video, sponsors, race schedule and goals.
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Team Santa Fe Adventure Racing

Santa Fe, NM bases. American races, biographies, reports and latest adventure racing news.
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Team Ausable River Rats

Northern Michigan Based, Biographies, photographs, training events, event calendar, and team merchandise.
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Team Block

Californian adventure racing team. History, biographies, race listings and links to race sites.
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Team Ultima

American short course racing team. Racing schedule and race reports with photographs, together with a few racing tips.
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Team Silent Skreem Adventure Racing

Canadian team of elite athletes. Biographies, pictures, race schedules, results, sponsors, races and other teams.
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Team Gravity Matters Adventure Racing

Kansas City, Missouri based team. News, team list, races stories, photos, race calendar, and discussion forum.
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Team Indy Rootstock Adventure Racing

Team Indy Rootstock, Indianapolis, Indiana based diverse consortium of 12 amateur men and women.
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Team Outdoor Pursuit

General information, team profile, tips, links, AR race and ultramarathon calendar specific to Alberta, Canada and area.
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Team Stray Dogs Adventure Racing

An expert level expedition distance adventure racing team. Team biographies and race reports.
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Team Sole

Californian based professional team in expedition racing. Biographies, videos, racing schedule, race reports and adventure training school. Formerly Team Epinephrine.
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Team Hang On Sports

Tampa, FL adventure racing team. Results, calendar, bios and photos.
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Team Subaru Adventure Racing

Biographies, news, race results, and equipment. Links to sponsors and South African adventure racing.
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Adventure team from Savage, Minnesota. Team results, photos, event calendar, and Minnesota AR links.
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Team Bones

American West Coast team. Biographies and news on adventure races.
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