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idmoz Society Work Labor-Management Relations

Labor-Management Relations Websites

Category includes organizations and institutions which advise on, lobby in the area of, or do research on labor relations. This category includes updates to relevant law: judicial and administrative.- Category ID : 461801
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The Walter P. Reuther Library

Wayne State University: education, exhibits, labor archives, lectures, and newsletter.
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Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations

Promotes greater knowledge and expertise in industrial and labor relations through academic programs, research, extension courses, conferences, and publications.
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Trades Union Congress (TUC)

The national trade union centre in the UK, representing the vast majority of organized workers.
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Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions

General information and access to issues and legislation before the committee.
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National Institute for Labor Relations Research

Anti-union organization which does research and provides analysis to "expose the inequities of compulsory unionism."
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Merrimack Films

An award winning producer of videos on labor and management relations.
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National Academy of Arbitrators

A non-profit professional and honorary organization of arbitrators.
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Labour Protect

A network of South African labour experts who assist employees facing unfair labour practices, dismissals, retrenchment or discrimination in the work place.
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Sessions & Kimball LLP

One of the largest law firms in the United States exclusively devoted to employee rights. Located in Orange County, CA, provides aggressive full-service representation.
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Software for Labor Negotiators

Software that costs union and management proposals before, during and after collective bargaining.
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Working Stiff Action Guide

Working Stiff is a webzine that aims to help average working people put in fewer hours for more pay and win arguments with the boss once in the while.
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Masters in Human Resources and Labor Relations Home Page

A practitioner masters program in human resources and labor relations at UW-Milwaukee.
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US Supreme Court held that back wages are subject to FICA and FUTA tax rates that were in effect for the year in which the wages are in fact paid, not for the year in which they should have been paid.
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Institute of Labor and Employment Relations

Comprehensive source of information about the Institute at the University of Illinois, Urbana.
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Executive PayWatch

Analysis and information about disparity between executive salaries and other workers, from AFL-CIO
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Labor Union Avoidance Videos

Labor union training videos, cd-roms, workshops, and books. Free previews and catalog available
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Agricultural Labor Management

Agricultural Labor Management offers a number of resources to farm employers, academia, consultants, and the press on farm labor.

Subcategories under Labor-Management Relations 3

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