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Message Boards Websites

Post and view messages on boards specifically for the pagan community.- Category ID : 460770
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UK Pagan

UK Pagan News and Information Site, with News, Forums, BOS, Poetry, Moots, Events and Information.
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South West Florida Pagans

Pagan networking for the area between Ft. Myers and Marco Island.
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Pagan Discussion Forum

This is a place for free discussion of all aspects of Pagan religions, lifestyles, and cultures. Users may add their own categories.
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The Pagan Poets Society

A literary circle for writers, publishers and reviewers of Pagan, Wiccan and mystical poetry. Founded by Wiccan author Gerina Dunwich. Members are encouraged to post poems and reviews on the message board.
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Pagan Forum

A place where Pagans and Wiccans can come and chat among friends.
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Everything Under the Moon Forum

Message board for pagans, witches, Wiccans, New Agers and other alternative beliefs. Friendly, helpful members will answer your questions, give you spells, and help you with personal problems. All are welcome.
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Celestial Grove

Message board community open to Pagans of all types over the age of 18 who want to learn, laugh and relax a little.
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Voice of Magick Whispers

An earth-based spiritual forum that delves into dreams, mythology, stories, poetry, archetypes, philosophy and current events.
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Pagan Community

A LiveJournal community for people who are Pagan, or interested in Paganism, to discuss the philosophy and practice of Pagan spiritual paths.
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The Coven

Pagan forum where people from all paths meet to talk about life, the universe and everything.
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Embracing the Moon

A message board for beginning and advanced pagans. Topics cover all facets of paganism as well as day to day living.
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