Mysticism, immediate, direct, intuitive knowledge of God or of ultimate reality attained through personal religious experience. Wide variations are found in both the form and the intensity of mystical experience. The authenticity of any such experience, however, does not depend on the form but solely on the quality of life that follows the experience. A mystical life is characterized by enhanced vitality, productivity, serenity, and joy as the inner and outward aspects harmonize in union with God.- Category ID : 460420
Reality Shifts are changes which occur without any direct physical intervention; they are mysterious appearances, disappearances, transformations, and transportations that occur in and around us.
An introduction to mysticism, and information on the major types of mystical experience. Includes a place to register mystical experiences and read those of others.
A somewhat commercial offering of teachings, principles, techniques of mysticism from around the world and across centuries of time. Stated goals: discover potential, gain peace of mind, overcome stress, awaken mystically.
A periodically published collection of literature, definitions, original thoughts, poetry and prose presented to the public from widely varying and spontaneous points of view.
A student organization that provides a way to share the glory of mysticism and eliminate all myths regarding mysticism, teaching mysticism as a way of life.
Teachings, practices, and resources based on the teachings of the mystics from the major religious traditions, presented in a form compatible with our modern scientific culture.