Supports the implementation of the Islamic principle of consultation (Shura) in OIC (Organisation of the Islamic Conference) member states. Information about its structure, conferences and activities.
An independent campaign and advocacy organization based in London, UK; works in partnership with Muslim and non-Muslim organizations for justice for all. Includes articles, action alerts, reports and briefings, and events listing.
Emphasizes the Islamic character of the city, in particular the Al-Haram Ash-Shareef. Historical and structural information and photographs of Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa and Masjid Al-Qubba (As-Sakhra).
Of the Department of Sociology, University of N Carolina. Includes a collection of his articles, and abstracts of his books on modernist and liberal Islam, and on Muslim politics.
Promotes dialogue between the west, the US, and the Islamic world. Includes articles, publications listing, resources, events, and contacts. [New York University]
International journal offering a medium for scholarly debate on various aspects of the question of human rights as it relates to the Muslim World. Includes articles, summaries, and details for subscription and submission.