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Organizations Websites

For sites of organizations which support and promote the practice of Islam - including mosques, special interest groups (e.g. college-based associations, regional groups), and others.

Please consider whether your site might be better placed in an appropriate linked category.

In particular, please note that only organizations with an international focus will be listed here. Local and national organizations may be considered for listing in Islam/By Region, and/or in a locality in a Regional category.- Category ID : 459982

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Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO)

Set up by member states of the Organization of the Islamic Conference. Includes news, history, goals, members, and information on subsidiary organizations.
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Muslim Scouts Fellowship

Information about the fellowship of Muslim Scouts in the Scout Association of the United Kingdom. Includes listing of groups, contact details, and information about activities.
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Islamic Medical Associations

Links and addresses of many Islamic medical associations and organizations in different countries in the world
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Islamic Environmental Club

Aims to spread Islam by exploring environmental issues. Features verses of the Quran, sayings, related links, and contact information.
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International Committee for the Support of the Final Prophet (ICSFP)

Seeks to counter hostile images of the Prophet Muhammad. Includes details of conferences, events, and action alerts, with a substantial resource of articles on Mohammed and Islam.
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The Seyyed Hossein Nasr Foundation

Propagates the work of Professor Nasr, and his studies on various facets of Islamic thought, art, civilization.
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Dawat-e Islami

International movement for the propagation of the Quran and Sunnah. Includes a history and description of their methodology, and a collection of resources on Islam.
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World Federation of Muslim Youth

International organization; information about their programs and activities to support and help Muslim young people, including social activities and humanitarian assistance.
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Friends of Al-Aqsa

Voluntary organization working for the human rights of Palestinians, and to protect the mosque of Al-Aqsa Haram Sharif. Includes background information, reviews, details of events and publications, and a guide to the mosque.
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