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Runes Websites
- Category ID : 459465
1 - Rune-Net
Rune-Study Networking Guild. International network for students of the Runes. Online resources for members.
2 - Runes, Alphabet of Mystery
Source of Rune information and Norse reference books. Categories including meanings, pronunciation, layouts, and section on making your own runes.
3 - Oswald the Runemaker
Historical and modern runes, runemaking, and artistic interpretations and products. Includes photographs and descriptions of rune monuments, notes on meanings, newsletter, and shopping.
6 - Runeworld
Information of the futharks, history, and divination techniques.
7 - Readings by Verda
Professional readings via email. Includes pricing, samples, and brief history of runes.
8 - Runes WebRing
Links together sites which provide information about, and perceptions of the Futhark.