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Consultants and Counselors Websites

From an astrological consultant or counsellor you would expect a higher level of service than from those selling computer-generated reports. Consultations may be in person, via email or by phone, and sometimes written reports or audio recordings are available to back this up. A wider range of analysis is usually on offer too, including perhaps karmic analysis, career counselling, and problem-solving.- Category ID : 459344
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Esperienze di Luce

Paola Pierpaoli offers spiritual, medical, experiential and business readings or consultations via email or in person. Based in Italy. Site contents in Italian and English.
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Alexander Vinokurov offers natal and synastry chart consultations. (Russian language site.)
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Planet Waves

Eric Francis offers information about consultations and workshops together with horoscopes and personal observations.
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Levine, Joyce

Astrological consultant, lecturer, and author, provides individuals with information to help them make informed life decisions.
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Certified Jungian therapist Dinnah Pladott uses a variety of divinatory tools to tap into the mythological archetypes at work in our lives, with an emphasis on career coaching.
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Elbert Wade PMAFA

Features a large variety of astrological articles and details of available charting services.
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Bill Streett provides astrological consulting with an emphasis on the planetary archetypes.
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Alpha Life Trends

Spiritual interpretations for planetary events and celestial influences - includes annual overview, newsletter and reading services.
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Imsara and Earthwork

Personal astrology consultations which focuses on soul intention, life cycles, special talents, vocation, relationships, and ultimate potential. Also offers other kinds of self-mastery consultations.
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Louise Fimlaid

Offers combined astrology and tarot readings by phone, as well as various courses, books and tapes.
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Blue Moon Astrology

Susan West offers details of her services and personal consultations in the Portland Oregon area. Includes FAQs, testimonials and astrological quotations.
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Offering telephone readings, basic astrology information, calendars and articles.
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Leigh Oswald presents details of her consultations in London, with taped mail order readings also available. Features astrologer profile plus information about the theory and history of astrology.
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Astrology by Thaddaeus Carson

Offering private tape-recorded consultations. Features astrologer profile, endorsements, and ordering information.
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Jessica Murray Astrology

Based in San Francisco, offering natal chart, synastry and transit readings. Articles, glossary, astrologer biography and information on teaching.
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Astrology by Carole Devine

Details of consultations, articles, ezine and newsletter, with information about a correspondence course.
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Astrology from Sedona with Haizen Paige

Information about consultations with Haizen, as well as email reports, forecasts and moon calendar.
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Astrologer Dawn

Presenting information on natal and relecation readings, tarot readings and personal coaching services. Includes details of seminars in Tucson, Arizona, and client testimonials.
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The Shadow Dance and the Astrological 7th House

Rebeca Eigen uses astrology, psychology and personal stories to illustrate how we create patterns in our relationships. Profile, articles, quotations and information on workshops, with audio tapes for sale.
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Psychological Astrology

London based John Green gives an explanation of this discipline, together with details and prices of his personal and business consultation services, and report sales.
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Star Guide by Carol Cilliers

Astrologer, healer, and psychic minister Carol offers details of her services, workshops and classes in the San Francisco Bay Area.
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Awareness Rising

Information about consultations, together with articles and glossary.
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Janice A. Stork offers private consultations by phone as well as mail order. Articles about medical and mundane (current affairs) astrology.
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Astrology World of Ed Tamplin

Featuring monthly and yearly sun sign forecasts, world predictions, planetary cycles information and details of private consultations with this Sydney based astrologer.
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Magi Helena

Offers chart interpretations for businesses, relationships, and choosing auspicious dates.
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William Lamb

Daily horoscopes and telephone consultations. Includes audio files of sample readings.
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Telephone consultations and email monthly horoscope reports.
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Astro Window

Articles, general monthly horoscopes, and paid readings on audio cassette.
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Jeffrey Kishner, MA

Offers astrological counseling services in New York City and over the phone. Consultation details and links to essays on how the horoscopes of film directors correlate with the style and themes of their movies.
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McCartney, Terri

Offers reference material and personal charts.
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Elsa Elsa: The Astrology Blog

Telephone and e-mail consultations with Elsa Panizzon, astrologer, author, and astrology blogger.
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Soul Food Astrology

Telephone and in-person astrological readings from Natori Moore, NGCR Level IV astrologer and author.
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Astrology with Meira

Telephone, online, and personal astrological consultations with Meira Epstein, astrologer, author, and NCGR, AFA, and AAGB member.
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Offers a four semester teaching program aimed at Practitioners Certificate with the Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc., as well as charting services.
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Samson Stars Psychological Astrology

Psychological astrology consultations with Robert Samson, D.Div, psychological astrologer, author, and astrology columnist for the San Francisco Bay Times. In-person, telephone, and e-mail consultations available.
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Your Date With Destiny

Vedic astrology consultations with Pandit R. Dakshinamoorthi, psychologist, astrologer, and Jyotish columnist from Chennai, India. Services available worldwide via e-mail and online chat.
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Advanced Astrology Consulting

A variety of astrological chart readings from Teresa Ann Foxworthy, Life Coach. Natal astrology, love astrology, and some Tantra information.
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The Science of Prophecy

Astrological counseling with emphasis on relationships and matchmaking, from astrologer Andrea Foster. Also offers astrological info and info on seminars and classes in TX and OK.
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Astrology Reading for Children by Dabney Oliver

Astrology readings for children from Dabney Oliver, official astrologer for Parents magazine and
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Marc Laurenson Astrology

Astrology information including astrological chart readings with natal, predictive and relationships sessions. Updated horoscopes, articles, classes and workshops from a certified professional astrologer based in Sydney Australia.
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Dream Astrologer

Astrologer Gary P. Caton offers readings, educational information and seminars, as well as a weekly blog and bi-monthly astrological podcast.
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Astrology and Tarot Readings by David Kennnedy

Astrologer David Kennedy is an IFA member, author, and host of a radio show who provides relationship, work-oriented and other charts, by e-mail, telephone, and in person.
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Loving Light Astrologer

Astrologer and life coach Donna Page offers information, articles, membership site, consultations and astrology services.
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Susan Levitt

Astrologer and author Susan Levitt offers a variety of consultations by phone including astrological or relationship compatibility charts and six month or yearly forecasts.
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Laurence Hillman Astrologer

Overview of consultation services with astrologer, author and teacher Laurence Hillman.
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Angela Huby Astrology

Angela Huby, member APAI, is a Yorkshire based astrologer providing written chart interpretations, personal consultations and teaching groups.
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Psychic Light

Live telephone tarot and astrology readings. Based in the U.K.
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Aeson Knight

Offers astrology and numerology readings. Contains calendar and how to arrange a reading.
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Susyn Blair-Hunt provides astrology readings, spells, channeling and coaching, as well as astrology and Tarot classes and phone attendance at parties and other gatherings. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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Provides astrological predictions and counseling services including personal and spiritual. Includes articles and testimonials.
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Philip Garcia

Astrological profiles on major celebrities and astrology and psychic readings.
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Messages of the Stars

Jane Elizabeth combines channeling and astrology to produce soul readings. Information on her book, calendar and other merchandise, together with monthly forecast and astrologer profile.
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Astrologer Lauren Delsack

Astrological articles and videos, Moon Phase calendar. Specializes in medical research astrology, Delsack is author of the book "Emotional Conflicts Trigger Disease: An Astrological View." Consultations, forecasts on general and medical astrological matters.
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