The movement to recreate the Jewish homeland which began in the late nineteenth century and culminated in the independence of the State of Israel.- Category ID : 450096
Providing a broad range of information about Zionism in America, Jewish organizational life, Israel, and activities in the United States. A coalition of groups and individuals, the AZM is the US affiliate of the World Zionist Organization.
The oldest, and one of the largest, pro-Israel/Zionist organizations in the United States. The site assists interested parties to become involved in Zionism in America.
Personal site of a Canadian Zionist that includes commentary about Jews in Canada, terrorism in Israel and suggestions about what people can do to help Israel.
History, news, views and definitions of Zionism. Examines key issues such as the roots of anti-Zionism, Arab-Israeli conflict and whether Zionism is racism.
A recourse center on Zionism and Israel, providing facts for education and to combat racism and hate. Christian Zionism and anti-Zionism positions are examined along with core definitions of Zionism, a history of both Israel and Zionism, expert commentary on the Middle East, historic source documents, issues and answers.
Observations, articles and opinions in Dutch and English. Author is a historian who specialized in modern Jewish history and in history of the Middle East, and who in 1995 emigrated from the Netherlands to Israel.
An interactive online process to promote the social aspects of cultural zionism and to empower the individual aspirations in making significant Jewish related connections.
Includes an assortment of Israel media, financial support, official government sites, advocacy and information, watchdogs of the media and mailing list links. Photo sections of Israel.
An ongoing discussion of issues surrounding Israel and the Mideast conflict, history of the region, media coverage, anti-Semitism, strategy and pro-Israel activism.