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Survivalism Websites
- Category ID : 441312
1 - Remote Control Talks
A resource about survival communication devices to be used in an emergency or disaster situation.
6 - Survivalist Boards
Forum concerning self sufficiency, disaster and emergency preparedness, primitive skills, and urban survival.
9 -
This site is for learning more about communications alternatives to cell phones and the internet with helpful post SHTF communication techniques.
12 - Off The Grid
A journey towards off-grid living in Europe; a modern survival blog with weekly updates.
13 - Backwoods Survival Blog
Discussion of life on a rural homestead; including gardening, long term food storage, alternative energy, emergency preparedness, self-defense, news, survivalist and self-sufficiency topics.
15 - SurvivalRing
Started out as a link ring that has become an archive for survival information since 1997.
18 -
Jim Rawles, survival author and former Army Intelligence officer keeps a daily blog with updated information on all issues survival.
19 - Urban Survival Skills
Informational site on Preparing for Urban Survival after economic collapse or other catastrophic events; imparts skills, reviews survival gear, equipment and books.
20 -
A site covering many survival and survivalist topics include survival skills, Civil Defense, disaster preparedness, self-reliance, wilderness survival.
21 - Prepared 2 Survive
A UK based forum with discussions on bug out strategies, disaster planning, survivalism and preparedness.
22 - News Guy: Anozira
Site with internet archives and various philosophy on preparedness and self sufficient living.
23 - Shepherd School
DIY preparedness project site with collection of PDF files of military and other survivalist related material
24 - In The Rabbit Hole
Urban survivalist articles and podcast dedicated to helping others live well day too day and in extreme circumstances.
25 - The Home For Survival
Preparation on how to react to economic, social and natural disasters with simple, easy to implement steps - also known as a SHTF plan.
26 - Prepper Website
A news aggregator for preparedness information. Links to preparedness, survival, homesteading and alternative news articles.
28 - Prepper Forums
Survival and preparedness forum with emphasis on self-reliant living, disaster preparedness, financial collapse, polar shift, overpopulation, mega quake, global pandemic, nuclear war, grid failure, oil crisis, and terrorist attacks.
29 - Real Survivalist
An educational resource with articles and reviews about survival, self-sufficiency, and prepper activities.
30 - Alpha Disaster Contingencies
Information on areas of disaster preparedness, self-reliance, rescue, all aspects of disaster avoidance, survival skills and human rights.
31 - Survival Ration Packs
A resource that lists survival food buckets and emergency nutrition supplies for outdoor enthusiasts and preppers.