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Genetics Websites

- Category ID : 441280
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Genetic Engineering - Paradise on Earth or a Descent into Hell?

By Keith Parkins. Long article, with a huge list of references at the end.
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ELSI - Human Genome Project

Primarily a collection of links to sites exploring the ELSI.
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Embracing Change with All Four Arms

This paper sets out to defend human genetic engineering with a new bioethical approach, post-humanism.
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Australian Gene Ethics Network

Non-profit federation of groups and individuals in Australia promoting critical discussion and debate on the environmental, social and ethical impacts of genetic engineering technologies.
5 - Genetics and Ethics

A Christian site that attempts to address the ethical, religious, and moral issues raised by a broad range of applications of genetics research.
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Who Owns the Human Genetic Code? An Annotated Bibliography

Article on whether or not the United States Patent Office should issue patents on gene sequences.
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National Human Genome Research Institute: ELSI Research Program

The Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) Research Program funds and manages studies related to the ethical, legal, and social implications of genetic and genomic research, and supports workshops, research consortia, and policy conferences related to these topics.
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Eubios Ethics Institute

A non-profit group founded by Darryl Macer in Christchurch, New Zealand and in Tsukuba Science City, Japan. Site provides links, general information and conference abstracts.
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GMO Compass

Informs about the benefits and risks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The site aims to make an essential contribution to the general GMO debate within the whole European Union.
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Center for Genetics and Society

A pro-choice organization working for sensible policies on genetic engineering technology. Excellent resources and links.
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Eugenics, Genetic Engineering, and Cloning

Considerations and arguments on several scientific procedures that possibly could improve human life.
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San Francisco State University: Genetic Engineering and Its Dangers

Essays, links to resources and a bibliography compiled by Dr Ron Epstein at the Philosophy Department. Categories include ethical and religious questions, biowarfare, and genetic engineering on humans.
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Bioethics Research Library: Genetics and Ethics

Compilation of links, journals and other publications that offer research about the ethical and moral aspects of applying genetic knowledge to humans.
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Human Genome Project: Ethical, Legal, & Social Issues

Explores the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) surrounding availability of genetic information, as it pertains to privacy and the potential for discrimination.

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