Shortwave radio station in Costa Rica streaming live MP3 broadcasts. Addresses the world community as a voice of peace, champion of human rights, advocate for the oppressed, and defender of the truth. Schedule, program summaries, audio archive, technical tips, and volunteer opportunities.
Non-profit, non-political organization that helps teenagers from regions of conflict learn the skills of making peace. Event calendar, news, articles, ways to help, and clubhouse for Arab and Israeli teens to build their own online community.
Quaker organization which includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. Its work is based on the Quaker belief in the worth of every person, and faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice. Programs, news, resources, and opportunities for involvement.
Founded to help Shalom Achshav, its Israeli counterpart, pursue a lasting and equitable peace in the Middle East and to build an informed and empowered pro-peace American public. Action alerts, publications, events, and news and analysis.
A peace and development organization for conflict transformation by peaceful means. Goal is to bring about a more peaceful world by using action, education/training, dissemination, and research to handle conflicts creatively and nonviolently. Manuals, articles, publications, audio lectures, and training schedule.
Serves as an international resource for local organizations pursuing peacebuilding and conflict resolution initiatives. Publications, programs, staff, and links to related sites.
Devoted to international understanding and the peaceful resolution of conflict. Conducts programs designed to prevent violent conflict and to advance post-conflict peacebuilding. News, publications, articles, and resources.
International not-for-profit peace building, educational, and consulting organization. Mission, articles, program information, and links to related groups.
Network of European NGOs active in conflict prevention and peace building. Seeks to promote peacebuilding policies among the decision-makers in Europe. Mission statement and links to member sites.
Sponsored by the University of Minnesota Human Rights Center, this site provides a library of original peace and war documents, international treaties, and laws. Offers annotated list of peace and activist links.
Offer a wide range of peace merchandise and training for building a more peaceful world. Publishes "The Peace Book" and other titles. Offers consulting services and Peace Leadership Institute training programs.
Dedicated to informing and educating the public on key issues to assist in the proliferation of nonviolence. Offers research papers and links to related sites. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
An international spiritually-based movement committed to active nonviolence as a way of life and as a means of personal, social, economic and political transformation.
Organization aims to promote community and international peace by helping people find personal peace, share their views of world peace and how to achieve it, and promote peace at community levels.
Contains information about Forgiveness Day, an annual observance. Describes seminars, provides membership information and articles on forgiveness. Includes contact details.