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Africa Websites

This category is for sites of advocacy organizations of human rights in Africa. Please do not submit topic oriented sites here.- Category ID : 440841
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Legal Assistance Centre - Namibia

A public interest law centre advocating human rights in Namibia by making the law accessible to those with the least access.
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The Kubatana Trust and The NGO Network Alliance Project

An online community for Zimbabwean activists. Information portal for the non-profit sector
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Black Sash

Works to advance equality, social justice and human rights in South Africa. Provides a paralegal service to those who need help in a variety of matters, including child support, social grants, labour problems, debt counselling and citizenship applications.
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African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies

Charter and general information on this initiative for equal rights.
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Supports the effective use of ICTs in Southern African civil society organisations by providing quality services and initiatives. Includes list of South African NGOs on the web.
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Africa Web Links: an Annotated Resource List

Links to sites relating to human rights and other issues.
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Kenyan Human Rights Commission (KHRC)

An NGO based in Nairobi, Kenya. Originally formed in the US in 1991 by Kenyan exiles and activists to lobby for human rights and the promotion of democratization, accountability and good governance in Kenya.
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African Human Rights Resource Center

Links to human rights organizations in Africa. A joint project of the Makerere University Human Rights and Peace Center and the university of Minnesota Human Rights Center.
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Human Rights in Africa

Information about human rights in Africa. In English and Spanish.
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African Human Rights Instruments

Links from the University of Minnesota.
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Nelson Mandela Foundation

Supports conflict resolution, removal of poverty as well as improving the health of the public, especially in regard to terminal diseases. The Foundation was established in 1999 as the primary vehicle for Mr Mandela’s pursuit of his ideals and goals.
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POWA - People Opposing Women Abuse

People Opposing Women Abuse is an NGO undertaking research into gender-based violence in Africa.
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Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Official resource of the committee responsible for investigating the effects of apartheid in South Africa.
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