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Personal Pages Websites

- Category ID : 439841
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Artistic Living

Offers holistic and cruelty-free advice on living by an author and teacher devoted to creating a compassionate world.
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Citizens Against Animal Cruelty

New York State grassroots organization dedicated to fighting animal cruelty and exploitation.
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No More Monkey Business

Includes useful links and resources about great apes as well as monkeys.
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Death By Auto, An Internet Documentary

Discusses the concerns we have over the number of wild and domestic animals killed on roads and highways because of our need to speed.
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For the Love of Animals

A site dedicated to animal rights and welfare with many petitions to sign and lots of information. Includes a pet safety section and a scavenger hunt.
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Animal Rights

Includes information on fur, hunting, testing, pets, spaying/neutering, cruelty-free shopping and related campaigns.
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Animal Liberty

Seeking the development of an animal liberation charter to be presented to world leaders.
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Teens Stopping Animal Testing (TSAT)

California teenagers dedicated to abolishing animal experimentation. California.
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Animal Rights Counterculture

Original, freely-distributable animal rights songs, stories and other artistic works. Contributions are welcome.
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Online weblog about animal advocacy, action alerts, petitions, newsletters, and recipes.
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The Animal Rights Experience

A weblog about living cruelty free, how to get the message out, and documenting attempts to get people to change.
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Animal Rights Experience

Personal experience in working with animal rights. Include Vegan Recipes and calls to action.
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Think Differently About Sheep

Features animal rights issues concerning factory farming, animal abuse and exploitation. Discusses animal sentience, vegetarian and vegan issues.
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Articles about animal rights and veganism.
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Stephanie Hyde

Graphic photographs and images depicting animal abuse and neglect. Includes news and stories and how to help.
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Humane Mouse Trap

Provides alternative information on how to trap mice and rodents without killing them in a cruel manner.
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AnimalRighter Blog

News, commentary, and action alerts on issues pertaining to animal rights, animal welfare, and veganism.
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