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Heraldry Websites

Contains sites which concern the study and art of heraldry and heraldic coats of arms. Commercial services and retail sites are not listed here and should be submitted to Top: Society: Genealogy: Products and Services: Heraldry or to Top: Shopping: Recreation: Genealogy: Heraldry, as appropriate.- Category ID : 437137
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Heraldic America

Features articles, a bibliography, and a forum on North American heraldry. [French/English]
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Elizabethan Heraldry

Includes a history of heraldry through the Renaissance, information on officers of arms in England and a primer of blazonry.
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The Baronage Press

Concerns the art, history and symbolism of heraldry, and the history, politics, books, cinema and television to which heraldry has thematic links.
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FAQs, introductions to heraldic concepts and terms, an illustrated glossary and information on heraldry within various countries and groups.
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Catholic Encyclopedia: Ecclesiastical Heraldry

Information on heraldry as it is used in and by the Catholic church.
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Heraldry Symbols

Potential symbolic meanings of heraldic charges, with a special focus on Irish heraldry.
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Civic Heraldry of England and Wales

Coats of arms or badges for over 380 English and Welsh civil authorities.
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Roll of Arms of rec.heraldry

Arms of members of the Usenet newsgroup rec.heraldry and others of interest to that group.
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rec.heraldry FAQ

An FAQ for the Usenet group rec.heraldry.
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The Right to Arms

Describes to whom the right to bear a coat of arms belongs.
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The Puncher Heraldry Program

Based on user-provided information creates an image of a simple coat of arms.
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Polish Nobility 2001

Armorial of Polish Nobility and information about Polish Royalty.
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Russian Heraldry as It is

The articles and basic information on the Russian armorial heritage and the current heraldic practice in Russia.
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Coats of arms from the Cathar crusade in the 13th century. [English/French]
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A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry

An illustrated heraldic dictionary by James Parker which was first published in 1894.
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