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Heraldry Websites

This category lists sites which offer Heraldic gift products or services for sale.- Category ID : 433363
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ML Mural Art - Heraldry Art

Heraldry artist creates unique Coat of Arms/ family crest paintings on wooden and metal medieval knight shields.
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The Name Shop Website

Produces scrolls which show the history of your name, and hand painted Coat of Arms and Crests.
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House of Names

Features surname name histories and coats of arms.
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Offers Coats of Arms created by heraldic artists.
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Fleur-de-lis Designs

Custom coats of arms and crests as well as traditional heraldry and a variety of gift and insignia products.
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Heraldic Cabinet

Offers coat of arms reproduced on various items.
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Internet Heraldry Store

Offers heraldic products, gifts and research.
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Swyrich Corporation

Researches surnames from around the world, and produce parchment history scrolls. Coats of Arms crafted according to heraldic standards.
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Ireland Heraldry

Coasters, stationery, prints, and related items displaying Irish coats of arms and surnames.
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Coat of Arms Store

Comprehensive family crest, ancestry, and heraldry resource for personalized gifts.
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Custom Heraldic Designs

Personal Coat of Arms images in quality vector graphics sent in JPEG-GIF format to use with word and image processing programs from Custom Heraldic Designs.
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Heraldry and Crests

Specialize in surnames, surname meanings, the surname origin, heraldry, ancestry, and genealogy. A variety of products based on the original translations.
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Irish Jeweler

Family crest coat of arms. Irish, Celtic, and Claddagh watches and jewelry.
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Somewhere In Tyme

Offers a wide variety of Coat of Arms, Heraldry, Scottish Clan Badge, and Irish Sept products as well as a selection of personalized and novelty products.
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Origin of Names

Includes family crests and histories on parchment, glassware, and cross stitch. Also offering clocks, apparel, and jewelry.
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Family crest jewelry and glassware, tee-shirts, family name histories.
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Gaelic Dreams

Specializes in custom heraldry, name histories and coats of arms. Also offers tartan products and Clan crest gifts.
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