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This category contains sites for published researchers and educators, past and present, within evolutionary psychology. The majority of sites contain contact details and lists of publications; some additionally contain full text articles. Site descriptions contain the research interests and institution of each person, where appropriate.- Category ID : 428450
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Fessler, Daniel M.T.

Evolutionary psychology, emotion, sex and reproduction, food and eating, violence and risk-taking, conformity and cooperation (University of California at Los Angeles).
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Singh, Devendra

Evolutionary significance of human physical attractiveness; Wait-to-hip ratio (University of Texas).
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Sulloway, Frank

Life and theories of Charles Darwin; origins and validity of psychoanalysis; birth order, family dynamics and personality (University of California at Berkeley).
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Tooby, John

Cross-cultural studies of psychological adaptations and human behavioral ecology (University of California at Santa Barbara).
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MacDonald, Kevin

Evolutionary perspectives on Judaism and European marriage practices. (California State University, Long Beach).
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Daly, Martin

Evolutionary and ecological theories and psychology, particularly epidemiological studies on lethal violence among humans, and the behavioral ecology of desert rodents (McMaster University, Ontario, Canada).
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Boyd, Rob

Evolutionary psychology of the mechanisms that give rise to and shape human culture (University of California at Los Angeles).
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Kanazawa, Satoshi

Sex Differences in Behaviour; American Politics; American Culture and Society; Marriage Institutions; Monogamy vs. polygyny (London School of Economics, UK)
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Iron, William

Evolutionary Ecology; Reproductive Strategies; Demography; Evolutionary Foundations of Morality and Religion; Pastoral Nomads; Middle East (Northwestern University, Illinois)
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Haselton, Martie

Communication, social inference, courtship, and human mating (University of California, Los Angeles)
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Nesse, Randolph

Depression and anxiety; Darwinian medicine (University of Michigan)
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Henrich, Joe

Coevolution, development, cognition and cultural learning (University of British Colombia).
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Barkow, Jerome H.

Evolutionary psychology, sociobiology, human reproductive behaviour (Dalhousie University, Canada).
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Pinker, Steven

Language, cognitive science, evolutionary psychology (MIT).
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Jones, Benedict C.

Attributions to social cues, especially in faces (University of Glasgow, Scotland)
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DeBruine, Lisa

Kin recognition, facial resemblance, face processing. (University of St Andrews, Scotland)
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Kirkpatrick, Lee

Evolutionary psychology; psychology of religion; adult attachment and close relationships; statistics, psychometrics, and research methods; social and personality psychology (College of William and Mary, Virginia).
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Wilson, Margo

Evolutionary psychological perspectives on perceptions, emotions and motivations (McMaster University, Ontario, Canada).
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Buss, David

Evolutionary psychology of human mating strategies; conflict between the sexes; prestige, status, and social reputation; the emotion of jealousy; homicide; anti-homicide defenses; and stalking (University of Texas).
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