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Grounded Theory Websites

Hello: This is a directory that are related to Grounded Theory Methodology. Before you submit your site please take the time to look around. You might also want to review the Business guideline. The editors reserve the right not to list your site, and to delete it after its addition. Multiple submissions, especially to inappropriate categories, will not be tolerated. Please, submit only to one category, lah! Please make your description as concise as possible. Avoid terms like: "Welcome to", "Website of the", "World Wide Web Site of", "a Grounded Theory site" (obviously!), "along list of keywords", "dedicated to", "exact repetitions of the title", "contact address/number/email", as well as "any marketing slogan" of being a "leader", "best product", "shiok!", "must visit", etc. Thank You!- Category ID : 428205
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The Grounded Theory Institute

Dedicated to the methodology of Dr.Barney G. Glaser, Ph.D. Includes list of publications, seminars, forum, and list of officers. Includes basic webpage translator.
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Grounded Analysis

for discovering guidelines that work -- by Langbourne Rust.
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Yahoo Groups: Grounded Theory Methodology

Instructional and help discussion board. Open membership.
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Grounded Theory: A Thumbnail Sketch

Tutorial explains testing versus emergence hypothesis, data collection, note taking, coding and other related topics.
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Bibliography of Grounded Theory

by Mary Duffy, University of Utah.
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Introduction to Grounded Theory

Steve Borgatti defines grounded theory as a method of using empirical data without preconceived theories. Also, explains tools and resources for interpreting this gathered information.
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Grounded Theory Online

Seeks to inform --but not to persuade-- novice researchers thinking about using Glaserian Grounded Theory. Some fee may apply.

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