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Methodology Websites

Sites in this category are related to Social Research Methodology: the methods, techniques, and technology employed by social scientists in the advance of their fields.- Category ID : 428203
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Latent Semantic Analysis

A mathematical/statistical technique for extracting and representing the similarity of meaning of words and passages by analysis of large bodies of text.
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Qualitative and Quantitative Research: Conjunctions and Divergences

Discusses the logic of relating qualitative and quantitative methods, different approaches for inter-relating them, and innovative applications of methodological inter-relation.
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Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research

Links to free resources for methods in social science research.
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RM Institute - Research Methods Knowledge

The knowledge base of social science research methods. It focuses on measurements and modeling issues.
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META Magazine Research

Research about methods and techniques on problem solving, acquiring knowledge, classification of information, education, and positive creative management skills.
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Measuring Paradoxical Reality

An alternative way to assess subject condition in social sciences.
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The Web Center for Social Research Methods

Resources for applied social research and evaluation including a complete online research methods text, course resources, and researcher tools.
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Semac -- Semantic Analysis Software

The concept of semantic activity that is claimed to proceed as well from single words as from word co-occurrences. This equalization rests upon graph theory.
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Vytvorology, which is an exact science of human processes, offers new, acute and reliable research possibilities in this field of human and social processes.
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United Kingdom Evaluation Society

Member of the Academy of Social Sciences. Describes goals, membership, activities and upcoming events. Located in Hertfordshire.
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Cross-impact Balance Analysis

CIB is a highly flexible cross-impact method used in scenario analysis to analyse the interactions of events, trends, or states in social systems. In English and German.
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Center for Sociocybernetics Studies, Bonn

Sociocybernetics is the application of systems thinking and cybernetic principles in sociology and other social sciences in order to analyse social phenomena regarding their complexity and dynamics.

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