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Operations Research Websites

The study of operations research (OR) is concerned with mathematical methods and tools for solving problems relating to the allocation of scarce resources subject to constraints. Frequently these problems have to do with determining the least cost or greatest profit possible for a cost or profit function subject to constraints such as capacities and required amounts over a very large number of variables. Important problems within this space include minimum cost routing problems, network maximum flow or minimum cost flow problems, and machine scheduling problems. The growing trends in OR increasingly utilize applications of more than one technique and involve individuals from other disciplines. Moreover, they involve a blend of "hard" and "soft" as well as a mixing of different "hard" or "soft" techniques with the increasing use of multiple methods within one piece of analysis. A creative thinking must look in detail at how those from disciplines outside of OR can come to work in the or- Category ID : 425335
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Decision Tree for Optimization Software

Identify potential solution algorithms for your problems.
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Global (and Local) Optimization

Archive of information on global and local optimization.
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Principles of Forecasting

Provides practical guide for forecasting.
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Logistics: The WWW Virtual Library

All the logistic links you ever need.
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World-wide-web for OR/MS.
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Software Surveys

A collection of surveys of OR/MS software.
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Forecasting and Time Series on the Web

Includes a collection of publications links.
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Optimization and Operations Research

A list maintained by Henry Wolkowicz.
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A library of problem instances covering various OR/MS areas.
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Michael Trick’s Operations Research Blog

Thoughts, opinions, and pointers on the world of OR/MS.
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Global Optimization

Links to global optimization.
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TORSCHE Scheduling Toolbox for Matlab

It performs various off-line and on-line scheduling.
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Operations Research by the Beach

Comments, ideas and analysis of real-life problems from the perspective of an operations researcher.

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