A complete timeline by Oxford professor, Jonathan Bowen. Discusses origins in ancient Greece, Arabia and England, analytical machines, boolean algebra and recent developments in the field.
Discusses the development of the concept of infinity from the early Greeks of the fifth to the second century B.C. Covers the important findings of Zenos, the Pythagorean school, Eudoxus and Archimedes.
Covers the early mathematical development in the country, such as the use of geometrical symbols. Includes discussion of influential works of local mathematicians.
An independent book publisher specializing in source materials history of mathematics and history of science. Includes list of publications available and contact information.
This Site contains original correspondence, official documents and school reports of the mathematician Evariste Galois. This site provides a platform to translate these documents.
Front for the Mathematics Arxiv of eprints section HO: biographies, philosophy of mathematics, mathematics education, recreational mathematics, communication of mathematics.
Discusses development of integral and derivative calculus from the 17th century. Features contributions by key western mathematicians. Includes examples of selected problems and how they were originally solved in earlier times. Also, covers the historic background to computer algebraic systems.
Detailed timeline of the development of hypercomplex numbers, from early discoveries of complex numbers to modern developments. Includes links to biographies and complete bibliography.
Includes an overview and history of Indian numerals, the Indian Sulbasutras, Jaina mathematics, the Bakhshali manuscript, pi and zero, along with biographical details of ancient Indian mathematicians.