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Employment Websites
Careers advice and employment information in Mathematics.- Category ID : 425043
3 - Euro-Math-Job
Vacant academic positions in European departments of Mathematics and Statistics.
4 - AWM Advertisements
Professional opportunities for mathematicians from the Association for Women in Mathematics.
6 - MathJobs
Database and online job application system for the mathematical community.
7 - Math Jobs
Jobs for Mathematicians, Actuaries, Statisticians, Econometricians, OR-Specialists, Finance-Specialists.
11 - Careers in Mathematics
Video of interviews with mathematicians working in industry, business and government. Available to download or from MSRI Berkeley.
17 - Careers in Mathematics
Information for job seekers compiled by Prof. Richard Penney at Purdue University Department of Mathematics.
19 - MAA Math Classifieds
Details of employment opportunities for teaching and other posts. Maintained by the Mathematical Association of America.
20 - Careers in Mathematics
Association for Women in Mathematics: gives a flavor of some of the areas of mathematics in which there are many opportunities.