These sites are from companies that make, manufacture, distribute or sell equipment, supplies or ancillary devices for the production of a laboratory vacuum.- Category ID : 424738
Distributor of pneumatic, automation, air, and vacuum equipment. Vendors include SMC Pneumatics, Gast, Kaeser, Rietschle, Bauer, CEJN, Circle Seal, Hoke, Go Regulator.
Manufactures magnetron sputter sources, reto-fited magnetic arrays for existing sources and sputter targets. Gencoa also has wear-resistant coatings and vacuum deposition experience.
Supply, hire and servicing of reconditioned high vacuum equipment and accessories. Includes profile, news, information on products and services, terms, ordering information, and contact details. Isle of Wight.
Standard and custom vacuum component manufacturer of conflat and KF vacuum flanges and fittings, weldments and chambers for low to high vacuum applications.
Canadian manufacturers of custom high vacuum chambers and associated components for research and industrial applications. Fully designed, manufactured and helium leak tested on premises.
Manufactures vacuum chambers and leak and helium detection systems, Offers vacuum gauge calibration, and ovens. Overview of company in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Designer of calibration and related systems. Includes a brief description of services and a chart of the pressure measurement and calibration hierarchy.
Manufacturers of custom high vacuum systems including vacuum furnaces and ovens, helium leak detection systems, deposition systems and vacuum reservoir systems.
Extorr produces a quadrupole residual gas analyzer which includes both an ion and Pirani gauge. The probe fits on a 2 3/4 inch flange and is controlled by RS232.
Manufacturer of vacuum systems, components and hardware for all vacuum applications including: XYZ manipulators, sample handling devices, motor controllers, valves, feedthroughs, gauges and controls, and flanges.
Manufacturer of standard and custom ceramic to metal and glass ceramic to metal vacuum feedthroughs, connectors, thermocouples, coaxial assemblies and isolators.
Offers a full range of vacuum UHV equipment for thin films and surface technology such as mini electron beam evaporators, plasma sources, sputter sources, effusion cells, hydrogen crackers, MCP microChannel plates.
Equipment for vacuum coating and research including pumps, chambers, magnetrons, power supplies, sputter systems, turbopumps, cryo pumps and compressors.
Manufacturer of various vacuum components in China including vacuum flanges and fittings, valves, turbomolecular pumps and custom vacuum chambers. Also supplies machining equipment.
Equipment made for thinfilm vacuum coating including standard planar magnetrons, ultra high utilization planar magnetrons, closed loop voltage and PEM controllers. Coating service offered.