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Spectroscopy Websites

These sites are from companies that make, manufacture, distribute or sale primarily all types of spectroscopy and spectroscopy related equipment, parts, tools, repair, calibration, and supplies. Including UV, VIS, IR and FT instruments. This category does not include NMR related "stuff".- Category ID : 424735
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Elvatech Ltd.

Designs and manufactures spectrometry, data collection and analytical software. Company also makes laser markers. Located in Kiev, Ukraine.
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PANalytical B.V.

Manufacturer and global supplier of analytical X-ray diffractometers and spectrometers for elemental analysis and materials characterization used for scientific research and development and industrial process control. Lists products, technologies, applications and worldwide contacts.
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Modular fibre optic spectrometer for UV/VIS, NIR and Raman applications, laboratory equipment, accessories
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REFLEX Analytical Corporation

UV-Vis and FTIR accessories.
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Sciencetech Incorporated

Develops and manufactures scientific instrumentation for optical spectroscopy with applications in several fields, including applied spectroscopy, biotechnology, medicine, chemical analysis, physics, and environmental control.
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Edinburgh Instruments Ltd

Manufacturers of steady state and time resolved fluorescence spectrometers using single photon counting and time correlated single photon counting techniques. Also offers gas sensors and infrared gas lasers.
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Spectrocell, Inc.

On-line catalog of spectrophotometer cells cuvettes and laboratory glassware for research and industry.
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Pacific Advanced Technology

Research and development of imaging spectrometers for military, commercial and environmental applications.
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S.I. Photonics

Manufacturer of UV-Vis CCD spectrophotometers and fiber optic accessories for transmission, absorbance and reflectance measurements.
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Photon Technology International, Inc.

Manufacturers of photonics components and fluorescence research instrumentation. Products range from the component level to turn-key systems such as fluorescence microscopy systems, fluorometers and spectrometers.
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J. A. Woollam Co., Inc.

Spectroscopic ellipsometers for thin film and bulk materials chacterization. Measures thin film thickness and material optical constants. In-situ and ex-situ, spectral ranges from Vacuum UV to Far IR.
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Optical instruments for measuring light wavelengths including spectrometers, monochromators, spectrographs and systems measuring spectral properties like: absorbance, transmission, reflectance, Raman, luminescence, fluorescence, emission.
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Kaiser Optical Systems, Inc.

Manufacturer of diode laser and CCD-based spectrometers, analyzers, microscopes, holographic filters, spectrographs and instruments for process, analytical and research, Raman spectroscopy applications.
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Commercial site offering cells, cuvettes and reference materials for spectroscopy.
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Horiba Scientific

Manufacturer of analytical and measurement equipment. Provides details of the product range, markets, services and support.
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Provides advanced semiconductor spectroscopy equipment and consulting services. Methods include deep level transient spectroscopy, current-voltage-temperature, thermal admittance spectroscopy and photocapacitance.
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Nova Biotech

Offers service and sales support for Uv/Vis, FTIR, HPLC instruments and microplate readers as well as a line of lamps and cuvettes.
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Chemplex Industries

Specializing in x-ray spectrochemical sample preparation equipment, supplies and accessories.
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Infrared Analysis, Inc.

Specializes in the measurement of gases. Manufacturer of long path gas cells and remote monitoring systems. 270 compound quantitative IR database with automatic gas analysis software.
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Spectral Instruments

UV Visible spectrophotometers with UV VIS fiber optic accessories for transmission, absorbance and reflectance measurements. Cooled CCD Cameras for ultra low light level imaging.
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Rhea Corporation

CCD spectroscopy systems
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Hand-held instruments and monitoring systems, with a range of applications measuring UV lamps in sunbeds, for curing, printing.
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NICODOM - FTIR and FTNIR spectrometers , spectral libraries FT-IR and FT-NIR, infrared spectroscopy, silicon windows
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SPECS Scientific Instruments

Scientific instruments for STM, ESCA, MBE, atomic manipulation, XPS, Auger, LEED, EELS, SIMS, PEEM, LEEM, UHV vacuum systems and components, k-cells, plasma sources, synchrotron beamlines, monochromators.
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Thermal analysis Division

Thermal analysis instruments such as dilatometer, calorimeter, and thermogravimetric.
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Olis, Inc.

Provides research grade absorbance, fluorescence, and circular dichroism spectrophotometers and stopped flows.
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Spectronic Analytical Instruments

The UK based laboratory instrument specialists. Authorised sales and service distributor for Analytik Jena, Camspec, Jenway, Interspec and Sentek.
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Roland engineering

ICP and spark emission spectrometer sales, service and parts for ARL instrumentation
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K-Alpha Instruments GMBH

Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers for the nondestructive analysis of chemical elements.
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Labomed Inc

Spectrophotometers and accessories for wide range of science, research, and laboratory applications.
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Sula Technologies

Manufactures and distributes a Deep Level Transient Spectrometer, a technique for the detection and characterization of electrically active defects in semiconductor materials.
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LightForm, Inc.

Spectral imaging for microscopy, micro-spectroscopy, fluorescence imaging and mapping, cytology, histology, micro-spectroscopy, and colorimetry.
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NanoDrop Technologies, Inc.

A spectrophotometer that features a patented sample retention system that enables sample sizes as low as 1 microliter.
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Standard and custom made Channel Electron Multiplier detectors, ceramic body and lead glass.
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MIDAC Corporation

Provides application specific FTIR spectrometer systems and consultation for laboratory, plant, online and field use. Manufactures hardware, software and integrated systems for gas, fuel, wafer and air analysis.
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Analytical Reference Materials International

Source for instrument calibration standards, CRMs for the oil, coal, and metals industries.
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CRAIC Technologies

Manufactures a UV-visible-NIR range microspectrophotometer and a Questioned Document System. These are used for non-destructive analysis of microscopic samples.
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Climax Technology

Power supplies for Deuterium UV lamp.
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Applied Spectroscopy

Supplies high-speed measuring technology for the photodiode array spectroscopy, film thickness measurement, and PVD plasma emission monitoring.
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Avian Technologies, LLC

Maker of spectrometric calibration accessories (UV, VIS and IR).
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Practical solutions for separations scientists using modern liquid and gas chromatography instrumentation for chemical analysis in industrial, academic, and government labs. HPLC, GC, CE, TLC, SFE, and hyphenated techniques.
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Control Development, Inc.

Manufacturers of optical spectrographs, detector heads and fiber optic accessories.
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Prism Instruments

Colour matching equipment including spectrophotometers, lightbooths, glossmeters and software.
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Spectradyn Technologies

Instruments and technical assistance for capillary elecrophoresis, HPLC, atomic absorption, and laser particle, photometric, luminiscent, and fluorescent analysis.
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Specialized spectrophotometers such as; microscope spectrometers Systems, microscope spectrometer, photometers, spectrometers for teaching and fluorescence spectometer.
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StellarNet Inc.

Manufactures miniature fiber optic spectrometers, industrial process probes, optical fibers, light source accessories and software used for process control and QC monitors workhorses for analytical instrumentation designed to measure light wavelength absorbance, transmission, reflection, color, emission, irradiance, and fluorescence.
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ISS Fluorescence and Biomedical Instrumentation

Manufacturer of fluorescence instrumentation, spectrofluorometers, photon counting spectrofluorometers, fluorescence correlation spectrometers, high pressure cells, and oximeters.
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Manufacturer of color spectrum and optical standards and calibration for spectrometers.
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Xcalibur Xrf Services

Sales and service of nondestructive X-ray fluorescence analyzers used by the jewelry manufacturing, metallurgy and printed circuit board industries.
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JETI Technische Instrumente GmbH offers various products for spectral measurement, ranging from components like read-out electronics and OEM spectrometers to systems for different applications.
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Scinco UV-VIS spectrometers

Korean manufacturer of UV-VIS spectrophotometers and colour measurement systems.
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MK Photonics Inc.

Manufactures fiber optic spectrometers for the UV to the NIR wavelength ranges. Includes specifications of models, light sources, CCD imaging systems, and press releases from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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Providing accessories and consumables and application advice to users of NMR and XRF spectrometers
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ICP glassware

Precision glassblowing of Colorado manufactures replacement glassware for ICP and ICP-MS instrumentation. Offers torches, nebulizers, injectors, spray chambers, and other associated items.
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Aquila Instruments Ltd

Aquila manufactures the nkd spectrophotometer for thin film analysis, including refractive index, absorption coefficient and coating thickness measurement. similar to ellipsometers. Spectroscopy for thin film characterisation.
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Offers cells and cuvettes for spectrophotometers and fluorometers.
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Skyray XRF

Offers a cost-effective line of energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) instruments for a variety of applications.
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NorthStar Scientific

Offers a wide range of UV Vis Spectrophotometers, from low cost non-scanning single beam units to research grade double beam instruments.
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Spectral Cameras

Develop and distribute multispectral and hyperspectral imaging systems and accessories for research and industrial applications. Solutions are available for laboratory, field, factory and airborne use.
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Novo Gloss Meters

Specialists in the provision of gloss meters used for quality control in laboratories or for real time process application. Products include the BYK Gardner 20, 60, 85, Tri, Novo Gloss 60, Dual, Trio and Novo Curve.
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Offers data acquisition systems and accessories for multi-element optical sensors such as multi-anode photomultiplier tubes and avalanche photodiode arrays. Systems allow for simultaneous acquisition of up to 64 spectral channels with single photon sensitivity.
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Stanford Photo-Thermal Solutions

Offers photothermal systems for absorption evaluation in optics with sensitivity down to 0.1ppm. These have high spatial and temporal resolution, insensitive to scattering, used in quality control and research on optical coatings and crystals.
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Offers miniature spectrometer systems for on-line measurements and analysis, consisting of a spectrometer, light source and fiber optic cables or other fiber optic based sampling apparatus.
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Erich Wiesmueller

Provides spectrometers for elemental analysis of metals and alloys. New and used instruments for sale, also electrogrinding machines and analyzers.
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SinoDevices Group

Manufacturer of sphere spectrophotometers, hydraulic test and other equipment.
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Wyatt Technology Corp

Manufacturer of multi-angle light scattering instruments for absolute molecular weight determination. Also dynamic light scattering, refractive index, viscometery detectors, and FFF separation systems for macromolecular/nanoparticle characterization.
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Laboratory service company specialising in servicing analytical instruments including HPLC, GC,UV-Vis spectrophotometers and mass spectrometers. Supplier of spare parts and consumables.
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Quickshot XRF

Developer and manufacturer of X-ray fluorescence analyzers for lead testing, precious metal analysis and alloy verification. Both handheld and desktop systems are available.
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See Co.

Offers hardware, software and Ritverc Gamma-ray sources for Mossbauer Spectroscopy. Includes details of products and information on installation, training and service contracts.
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Manufacturer of optical metrology tools for the characterization of thin and thick films (film thickness, refractive index and extinction coefficient), using white light reflectance spectroscopy.
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NSG Precision Cells

Manufacturer of quartz and glass cuvettes for spectroscopy and fluorimetry.
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Develops and manufactures analytical X-ray systems and complete solutions for material analysis.
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Applied Analysis

Manufacturer of in-process diode array for UV, Vis, NIR spectrophotometers.
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