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Pipettors, Automatic and Manual Websites

This section includes but is not limited to sites that make, manufacture, distribute, repair, calibrate or sell pipettors and dispensing devices, automatic and/or manual, including liquid metering systems.- Category ID : 424729
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Manufactures pipettes, dispensers and centrifuges, test tubes and pipette tips; and instruments for cell manipulation, high-throughput screening (HTS), DNA multiplication, nucleic acid purification kits and biochips.
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Laboratory dispensers, industrial chemicals, lab chemicals, laboratory equipment, scientific instruments, medical equipment, and school equipment.
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Electronic, mechanical, and disposable pipette/pipettor tips.
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Products include pipette tips, sample collection, blood serum filters, test tubes, storage tubes.
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Delsaro Scientific

Independent pipette service provider and an appointed service facility for many major brands of pipettes. Offers calibration, servicing and decontamination.
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Pipette calibration, repair and certification service.
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Pipette performance verification, microbiological identification testing.
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Laboratory and pilot plant liquid handling applications.
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Gilson Inc.

Electronic and mechanical manual liquid handling pipettes, disposable tips, pipette parts and bench-top products.
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BrandTech Scientific

Products include dispensers, pipettes, pipetting aides, electronic burettes and calibration software.
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Micronics Microfluidics

Fluid miniaturization solutions that integrate and automate laboratory processes on a disposable lab chip.
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Bio-Tek Services

In-lab pipette repair, calibration and certification.
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Harvard Apparatus

Supplier of syringe pumps for benchtop and OEM applications.
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Horizon Specialty

Manufacturer of tools for microplate dispensing, washing, and orientation. Also, customized products are available for DBS analysis, and screw cap opening and closing.
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Single-use disposable, new exact volume, and customized pipets for diagnostic kit manufacturers and clinical laboratories.
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Hanny Engineering

Supplier of unique liquid dispening products.
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Liquid handling technology, pipettors, tips, robotics for the lab.
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Delta Scientific Medical

Laboratory equipment for dosing, dilution and pipetting, multidispense, multisample, liquid handling.
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Apricot Designs

Multi-channel micro-volume pipettors, disposable pipet tips.
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Vand P Scientific

Replicators and manifolds to fill, mix, dilute, transfer, macroarray, microarray, spot and blot in, to and from microplates.
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INTEGRA Biosciences

Pipettors, laboratory systems and materials to biological laboratories in industry, research and the universities.
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Drummond Scientific

Precision micro liquid transfer devices such as pipets, pipet-aids, capillary tubing, oocyte injectors.
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VistaLab Technologies

Pipettes and tips.
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Pipettes, racks, beakers, graduated cylinders, bottles, lead rings, general laboratory accessories, safety equipment, sample collection tools and instrumentation.
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Manual, semi-automated, and robotic products for precision fluid measuring and handling.
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Systems to supply pipet tips, multi well plates, or lids to robotic pipetting workstations.
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Microfab Technologies

Develops applications for microdispensing and precision printing, including solders, adhesives, optical and electrical polymers, and bioactive materials (DNA, proteins, reagents)
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New Era Pump Systems

Programmable syringe pump for laboratory, industrial and research dispensing applications.
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Oyster Bay Pump Works

Liquid dispensing systems.
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PDK Instruments

Manufacturers of the PALS fluid analyzer, a Pressurized Automated Fluid Sampler.
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Robotic and liquid handling functionality.
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Liquid handling products including syringe pumps and various valve modules for use in automated liquid or sample handling instrumentation; also microplate washers, pipettes and dispensers.
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Vista Technology

Petri dish streaking machine.
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Integrated Dispensing Solutions

Sales and service of dispensing systems.
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San Diego Scientific Instruments

Instrumentation for powder filling applications. Powder pipetters for pharmaceutical laboratory applications.
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Pipette Supplies

Large inventory of pipette replacement parts.. Pipettes, disposable tips, batteries, tools and parts.
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Siliflow Liquid Handling

Develops solutions for microdispensing. Research applications in biotechnologies, chemistry, materials, electronics, energy. Industrial applications as an alternative to traditional spray technologies.
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KD Scientific Inc.

Syringe pumps for infusion and dispensing accurate flow rates. Bulk reagent dispenser for 96 well and 384 well microplates. Nanoflow and microfluidic applications. Replace pipettors and manual dispensing. Syringe pumps for infusion and withdrawal, programmable accurate flow dispensing.
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Manufacturer of pipettes, pipettors, pipette tips, dissolution filters, vials, culture tubes and disposable plastic laboratory products.
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Anachem Ltd

UK supplier of pipettes and tips for the manual handling of liquids. Also provide a wide range of quality precision pipette and pipette services such as maintenance and calibration.
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BioTX Automation, Inc.

Manufacturer and supplier of WellAware pipetting systems and accessories, eLINE electronic pipettors and nanoliter diluter dispensers.
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ExtraGene Inc.

Taiwanese manufacturer specialized in disposable plasticware products including PCR tubes and plates, pipettors, pipette tips, microcentrifuge tubes and Elisa plates.
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Pipette Calibration

Information on pipette calibration, service and repair. Includes a worldwide directory of pipette calibration companies.
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AccuTek Laboratories

Worldwide distributor of pipettes also providing a pipette calibration and repair service.
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Andrew Alliance

Designs and manufactures a novel liquid handling robot using manual pipettes.
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Manufacturer of sensors allowing precise liquid handling dispensing on automated systems.
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TTE Laboratories

Pipette calibration services are performed in a controlled lab with well trained technicians using ISO 8655 certified standard procedures.
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Gilson Scientific Ltd

Supplies laboratories with pipettes, tips and liquid handling accessories. They also provide SPE, HPLC and automated liquid handling robotics, instruments and servicing to the UK scientific market.
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ProGroup Instrument Corp.

Manufacturer of the Wellpro 96 and Wellpro 384 personal pipetting station for reagent addition, microplate replication and serial dilution applications.
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Mettler-Toledo, LLC

Various types of pipettes and supplies. Technical literature is also provided.
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Calibrate, Inc.

Offers pipette calibration and repair services as well as pipettes and pipette accessories.
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Art Robbins Instruments

A design and manufacturing company offering laboratory equipment and consumable products for liquid handling, protein crystallography, capillary electrophoresis, and HLA/tissue-typing applications. Services include repair and retrofitting of dispensers.
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Manufacturer of liquid handling equipment for the laboratory.
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Pipette Doctor

Pipette service and calibration for all pipettes, regardless of manufacturer, type, age or volume.
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Zhejiang Sorfa Medical Plastic Ltd.

Chinese manufacturers of aspirating, serological and transfer pipettes, plastic laboratory bottles and some other medical plastic products.
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