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Medical Websites

These sites are from companies that make, manufacture, distribute or sale primarily medical research, medical diagnostic or clinical lab equipment and supplies. This category does not include MRI, or radiology sites.- Category ID : 424721
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MicroBio Corporation

Manufacturer of microbial detection tools and systems.
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DiaSys Diagnostic Systems

Develops, manufactures and distributes medical and clinical laboratory products for hospital, clinical and private physician laboratories.
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Crescent Chemical Company

Special devices for microbiology and pathogenic bacteriology automatic coliform identification.
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Dermapak is a specialised envelope used to send specimens for analysis in laboratories.
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Woodley Equipment Company Ltd

Specialists in the international rental and sale of medical and laboratory equipment to the clinical research industry, haematology point-of-care products, and laboratory equipment, diagnostic and critical care products to the veterinary industry.
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Instruments, chemistry, software and supplies to simplify and automate laboratory processes used in all phases of the battle against disease.
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Germfree Laboratories, Inc.

Designer and manufacturer of biological safety and containment equipment for the pharmaceutical industry and for other laboratory applications.
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MTX Lab Systems, Inc.

Elisa readers, plate washers, pipettors, dispensers, robotics and software. (Formerly ICN/Flow Laboratories).
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MicroSource Discovery Systems, Inc.

Offers structurally diverse and biocompatible compounds.
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Medical Electronics

Consulting services and forms for laboratory equipment maintenance. Certified maintenance for your equipment.
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Celsis produces systems for the rapid detection of microbial contamination for use in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, diary, food and beverage.
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Neurotron Incorporated

Neurometer CPT/C and CPT/Eagle electrodiagnostic nerve testing devices.
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Sapidyne Instruments Inc.

Describes KinExA technology for measuring binding affinity and kinetics. Lists applications for KinExA technology in the biotechnology field.
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Neuralynx, Inc. -

High density multichannel electrophysiology recording systems for electrophysiology and neuroscience research.
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Microsensors for medical and biological applications
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Canton Pharmaceutical

Pharmaceutical and medical lab equipment.
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Cambridge Research Systems Ltd.

Visual stimulators, stereoscopic display systems, calibration equipment, eye trackers and software for functional brain imaging applications.
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BioPacifc Diagnostic Inc

Canadian manufacturer and distributor of manual white cell differential counters and Bone Marrow counters. Also a supplier of clinical and environmental reagents and laboratory supplies.
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Hacker Instruments and Industries Inc

Manufacturer and distributor of instrumentation for histopathology. Cryostats, tissue processors, laboratory microwaves, slide stainers, microtomes general histo-pathology lab supplies. .
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Complete kits for specialized data analysis. Such as MW markers, anatigen, protein, dotmetric protein and nucleic acid kits.
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Pacific Southwest Lab Equipment

New, used, and restored clinical lab equipment and supplies for pathology and histology labs.
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Lab-tek Corporation ltd

Flat bed or multitube vortexers for medical laboratory test tube racks.
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NCS Medical

A supplier and distributor of lab equipment such as autoclaves, centrifuges and radiation survey meters.
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Carolina Liquid Chemistries

Beckman Synchron CX reagents, homocysteine, lipid testing, chemistry reagents, immunology testing, laboratory supply and refurbished chemistry analyzers.
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Unique 96-well equilibrium dialysis block with novel vertical alignment of dialysis membrane. Dispense and aspirate from both sample and dialysate side. Analyze a large number of samples, time points, or replicates in the same experiment.
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Willco Wells

Information on and E-shop for various types of 35 and 50 mm glass and foil bottom dishes manufactured under clean room conditions for many inverted microscope applications as well as micro dissection.
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Supplies for Microtome JB-4

Microtome JB-4 aluminum holders
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MTG - Medical Technology Vertriebs-GmbH

Medical technology, assisted reproduction and cryobiology (OCTAX Laser System, microscope heating systems, cryopreservation, disposables, and incubators).
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Peripheral Visions, Inc.

Manufacturers of Perphormax replacement parts for clinical chemical analyzers and a rebuilder or refurbisher of Hitachi and Beckman clinical chemistry analyzers.
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FL Medical

Manufacturer and supplier of disposable laboratory equipment: test and blood collection tubes, petri dishes and plastic containers. Product and contact information.
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Metertech Inc.

Designs and manufactures medical and analytical instruments.
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Vitech Scientific Ltd

Photometers, osmometers, onkometers and other laboratory equipment available from this UK company. Site features a price list and order form.
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Diagnostics company offering reagents and equipment for blood testing.
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Mercedes Medical

Medical distribution company. Products include histology, physicians office and lab supplies which can be ordered online.
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Precision Systems Inc.

Designer and manufacturer of a range of freezing point osmometers, cryoscopes and bench-top chemistry analyzers.
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Medical Laboratory Solutions

Specialists in the service, refurbishment and sale of chemistry and hematology analyzers for laboratories throughout the US. Also supplies reagents, consumables and parts.
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Healthcare Technologies

Imports and distributes laboratory equipment, instrumentation, reagents, diagnostic kits and consumables for the healthcare market.
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Metrika Inc

Manufactures single-use diabetes monitoring devices for analyses other than glucose.
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Sakura Fintek Europe B.V.

Manufacturer of diagnostic equipment for histopathology and cytology.
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Designs, develops, and manufactures solutions for the histology marketplace.
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Axiom Solutions

Clinical Chemistry, laboratory instruments, EIA, hospital instruments, microscopes, biochemistry, rapid testing, serodiagnostic, and medical laboratory equipment.
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