These sites are from companies that make, manufacture, distribute or sale primarily medical research, medical diagnostic or clinical lab equipment and supplies. This category does not include MRI, or radiology sites.- Category ID : 424721
Specialists in the international rental and sale of medical and laboratory equipment to the clinical research industry, haematology point-of-care products, and laboratory equipment, diagnostic and critical care products to the veterinary industry.
Canadian manufacturer and distributor of manual white cell differential counters and Bone Marrow counters. Also a supplier of clinical and environmental reagents and laboratory supplies.
Manufacturer and distributor of instrumentation for histopathology. Cryostats, tissue processors, laboratory microwaves, slide stainers, microtomes general histo-pathology lab supplies. .
Unique 96-well equilibrium dialysis block with novel vertical alignment of dialysis membrane. Dispense and aspirate from both sample and dialysate side. Analyze a large number of samples, time points, or replicates in the same experiment.
Information on and E-shop for various types of 35 and 50 mm glass and foil bottom dishes manufactured under clean room conditions for many inverted microscope applications as well as micro dissection.
Manufacturers of Perphormax replacement parts for clinical chemical analyzers and a rebuilder or refurbisher of Hitachi and Beckman clinical chemistry analyzers.
Manufacturer and supplier of disposable laboratory equipment: test and blood collection tubes, petri dishes and plastic containers. Product and contact information.
Specialists in the service, refurbishment and sale of chemistry and hematology analyzers for laboratories throughout the US. Also supplies reagents, consumables and parts.