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Consultants Websites

Consultants specializing in environmental health.- Category ID : 424450
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SENES Oak Ridge, Inc.

Offers comprehensive, multidisciplinary consulting services in areas related to human health and ecological risks. Expertise in the risk assessment for radioactive contaminants and toxic chemicals. Description of services.
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HMA, Inc.

Consulting services in the environmental health sciences; building inspections; samples for analysis for asbestos and/or lead paint. Web site has information about several indoor environmental health topics.
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LEW Corporation

Full service environmental company specializing in: lead based paint, asbestos, underground storage tanks, soil contamination, environmental site assessments, indoor air quality and radon. Serving New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and Delaware.
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E.nvironmental Assay Inc.

Provides information on major indoor environmental irritants including indoor air quality and electromagnetic fields, with links to specific resources. Offers residential inspection services and includes links to nationwide building biologists.
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Sheltertech Corporation

Specializes in site assessment, asbestos consulting and removal, mold remediation and demolition. Services and contact information. Based in St Paul, Minnesota.
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Dr. C. E. Schmidt

Independent environmental consultant with experience developing project-specific technical approaches, directing applied research, managing programs including subcontractors, and marketing. Provides description of service, projects, publications and resume.
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Hygienetics Environmental

A national consulting firm specializing in environmental and occupational hygiene services.
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Gene Amplification International

Consultants in genomics and bioinformatics, specifically acquired genetic disorders due to exposure of humans living near uncontrolled hazardous waste sites.
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Healthy People, Healthy Places

Provides environmental health counseling by Peggy Wolff, an advanced practice holistic and registered nurse. Massachusetts, USA.
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Clark Seif Clark Inc.

Environmental consultants with expertise in health concerns including asbestos abatement, asbsetos cleanup, mold abatement, black mold, industrial hygiene, workplace health and safety, home health and safety, sick buildings, indoor air quality and site monitoring.
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