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Education Websites

- Category ID : 417335
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Backyard Nature

Nature study basics, with an emphasis on backyard plants and animals. Includes a section on naming and classification, list making, and "why bother with nature?"
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BLM Learning Landscapes

U.S. Bureau of Land Management educational resources and classroom materials on natural resources management, including wildlife, ecosystems, invasive species, and other topics.
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Rainforest and Reef

Field Courses in Rainforest and Marine Ecology, held in South America, Central America, Canada and Australia.
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The Economy of Nature

Study aids, web activities, living graphs, and additional material related to the book The Economy of Nature, Fifth Edition, by Robert E.Ricklefs.
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Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology

A peer reviewed publication of ecological educational materials by the Ecological Society of America.
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Ecology Project International

Aims to improve and inspire science education and conservation efforts worldwide through field based student-scientist partnerships.
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Wildlife Learning Company

Environmental education programs in central New York using local wildlife to teach about conservation.
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The Nature Education Knowledge Project - Ecology

A collection of open-access, peer reviewed ecology articles that target high school and college students and are written at three levels of complexity – basic, intermediate and advanced.
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Environmental Inquiry – Authentic Science Research for High School Students

Ecology research projects for high school students and teachers designed by Cornell and Penn State University.
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Expedition Education Institute

Fully accredited college program affiliated with Marlboro College. Its focus is on ecology and environmental issues. Offers a program overview, academics, campus life, admissions, stories, news, alumni information, and jobs.
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