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Solar System Websites

The Solar System currently consists of the Sun, nine planets, and the many asteroids and comets that also orbit the Sun.- Category ID : 416944
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The Nine Planets

Overview, sections dedicated to each planet and the smaller bodies - with data, information and some pictures - glossary and appendices.
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Solar System Simulator

Online software that generates views of the bodies of our planetary system at any date from any artificial or natural point of observation.
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Solar System Dynamics

Provides detailed information related to known bodies in orbit around the Sun. Ephemerides, physical parameters, Earth close-approaches, observer tools.
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Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature

Protocols for naming planetary features, by the Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature of the International Astronomical Union.
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USGS Astrogeology Research Program

Features planetary imagery, research, GIS, mapping, and image processing software. The site provides information about the group and about the Solar System.
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Orrery: Solar System Simulator

A Java applet that simulates gravitating masses. Features a working model with motions and sizes of 70 planets and moons to scale.
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Information about planetary astronomy and space exploration and habitat. Online chat, message boards, and related links. Sells replicas and toys.
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The Solar Space Station

Facts, descriptions and pictures, with sections about the Sun, the planets and meteors and asteroids.
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Views of the Solar System

Multimedia tour with statistical data, detailed information, pictures and videos. Also includes educational resources.
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A Planet Pursuit

Pictures, facts and general information on the nine planets.
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Stardate Online: Guide to the Solar System

Contains an outline of the formation and evolution of planets, comets, asteroids, and of their features and exploration.
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Astronomy 161: The Solar System

Overview with historical background and basic astronomy concepts, details about planets, satellites, asteroids, comets and meteors.
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Planetary Fact Sheet

Table of essential measurements and facts regarding the nine planets with links to highly detailed summaries.
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Astronomy Today - Solar System

Fairly detailed information about our sun and its planets.
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Planetary Science Institute

Research and educational institute with projects to study planets, asteroids, and comets.
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Free Software for Planetary Science

Image processing browsers for Mariner 6, 7, 9, 10, Venera 15/16, and Viking Orbiter.
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Planetary Cartography and Graphics by Ralph Aeschliman

Planetary maps and graphics of Mars, the Moon and Venus.
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Nova Celestia

Provides overview and original illustrations of elements.
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Computing Planetary Positions

A detailed online tutorial on how to compute planetary locations using math formulas.
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Northeast Regional Planetary Data Center

Includes list of available image collections and how to obtain the data at the facility (no images are online).
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BBC Space: Solar System

3D tour including videos with audio and text information on the Sun and the bodies orbiting around it. (Shockwave and Realplayer required)
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Planetary Alignment and Magnetic Field Interaction

Article by David W. Allan on the magnetic field interactions in planet alignments and the correlation of sun spot activity to periodic field polarity reversals.
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Solar System Simulator

Shows the position of the planets as they rotate around the sun for many years to come.
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Solar System Dynamics

Web-based resources accompanying the book of this name, by Carl D. Murray and Stanley F. Dermott.
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Windows to the Universe

Aimed at portraying Earth and Space Sciences in a fun way. Includes information about space weather, global space physics and a real time movie of current solar activity.
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Planetary Interactions

Cycles, resonances, synchronizations and interactions in the solar system.

Subcategories under Solar System 7

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