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Education Websites

Science/Astronomy/Education is for educational web sites of interest to educators, parents, students, and professionals emphasizing the teaching or learning of various aspects of astronomy or astrophysics. The best sites will try to teach or instruct about astronomy or astrophysics, although clear, easy-to-follow explanations of topics are useful as well. There are also sites here that talk about educational programs of all levels, including - but not limited to, grade school, college programs, and graduate schools.- Category ID : 416850
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The National Schools Observatory

Offers access to professional telescopes worldwide for observations made by school children and teachers.
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Star Gazer Home Page

Home of Jack Horkheimer. The first and only weekly TV series on naked eye astronomy.
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Stanford SOLAR Center

A collection of educational activities and resources based on Solar Oscillations Investigation (SOI) and Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) data.
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Walk the Solar System

JavaScript calculator of sizes and distances of solar system bodies for making a scale model.
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Mysteries of Deep Space

PBS companion site explores the secrets of the universe with an interactive timeline, classroom activities, a trivia challenge, and questions and answers with experts.
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SEGway: Science Education Gateway for Teachers

SEGway provides commercial space science and astronomy lessons for grades 4-12, many with lesson plans and printable worksheets. Fast-loading interface lets teachers browse by grade and topic.
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Celestial Navigation Net

An annotated hub site of resources relating to navigating by the stars, including theory, practice, history, instruments, and classroom links.
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Infrared Imaging

Learn about infrared imaging by viewing a variety of objects in the infrared.
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Heavenly Mathematics: Highlights of Cultural Astronomy

An interdisciplinary course on cultural astronomy. The course has a goal of imparting an understanding of basic astronomical phenomena and an appreciation of their cultural significance throughout the world.
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Universe in the Classroom

A free quarterly educational newsletter published by the ASP for teachers, youth group leaders, librarians, and anybody else who wants to help children of all ages learn more about the wonders of the universe. It is available either in printed form or electronically here on our website.
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From Stargazers to Starships

Tutorial and historical exposition of the motion of Earth in space, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight, on a high school level.
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Project Astro

A national program creating partnerships between teachers and students in grades 4-9 with amateur and professional astronomers.
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Astronomy In Your Hands

Includes a collection of hands-on astronomy activities for classroom and home. A feature is the downloadable star wheel with a version available for every latitude on Earth.
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Evening Diploma in Astronomy

Part-time undergraduate Diploma in Astronomy by evening study at UCL, London.
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Astronomy Page for Science Explained

Offers free lessons in astronomy. The course runs from Covers identification of stars, constellations and planets, and physics.
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Hands-On Universe (HOU)

HOU participants around the world request observations from an automated telescope, download images from a large image archive, and analyze them with the aid of user-friendly image processing software.
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Size of Solar System

Shows Solar System true to scale. Helps realize the vastness of distances between planets compared to planet sizes.
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Spanish Language Astronomy Materials Education Center

Recommended materials sorted by type and by grade level (including college and instructor level).
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Australia Telescope Outreach and Education

Provides the media and the general public with information about the Australia Telescope National Facility and also provides educational resources on many aspects of astronomy.
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Multiwavelength Astronomy

Discusses which celestial objects appear in each part of the spectrum and shows why there is a need to send telescopes into space. Page includes photos, games, classroom activities, and related resources.
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Swinburne Astronomy

Online degree granting program in astronomy offering courses for Master of Science and Graduate Diploma of Science. Based in Melbourne, Australia.
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One-Minute Astronomer

Provides short, easy to read articles on what can be seen in the night sky. Registered users can receive these free by email.
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Provides introductory information on the planets, stars, constellations and galaxies. Also includes space news and a photograph gallery.
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Teaching Astronomy Blog

A blog to comment on and discuss resources and research in astronomy education at the introductory college level.
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Learning Astronomy

Learn about the universe by looking at animations, videos and photographs. Includes sections on backyard astronomy, earth and moon, the solar system, stars and galaxies.
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Windows to the Universe

An extensive astronomical learning system. Articles available at three levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced.
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The Solar System, to scale, for a school yard

Sun and planets and moons, bodies and distances and everything to scale, for a school yard, mostly to show the emptiness of it all.
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