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Criticism of Darwinism Websites

- Category ID : 416696
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The Talk.Origins Archive

The Talk.Origins Archive: exploring the creation/evolution controversy from a mainstream scientific perspective
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Creation Truths: Evolution Loses its Way

Article discussing the remarkable migration journey made by the Golden Plover from Alaska to Hawaii and its implications for the theory of evolution.
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Michael Cremo and Forbidden Archeology

Anomalous scientific evidence challenging the standard views on human evolution.
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Quantum Evolution

Exploration of new theory that shows how the quantum multiverse rather than God or creationism accounts for the origin of life and evolution.
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Icon of Obfuscation

Icons of Evolution purports to document that "students and the public are being systematically misinformed about the evidence for evolution." But it is Icons itself that is really misinforming the public.
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Neoteny: The multidisciplinary Implications

A concept doorway to alternatives to neo-Darwinism
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How to be Anti-Darwinian

Discussion on the various degrees and areas in which some disagree with Darwinism.
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Icons of Evolution: Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong

Information about a book by biologist Jonathan Wells that points out errors and misconceptions in the field. Includes reviews and other writings on the same subject.
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Why I Disbelieve Evolution

A discussion of why the author has rejected the theory of evolution as fact.
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Skeptic Friends Network, by Dawn and Tommy Huxley. Examines some of the claims made by evolutionists.
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General Theory of the Conditional Evolution of Life (GTCEL)

New evolutionary theory stating and intrinsic tendency of life to improve through out evolution. Configuration depends on specific conditions of the evolutionary step
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The Biotic Message

Annotated outline, reviews, and other promotional material for this book by Walter ReMine, which propounds a new creationist theory (Message Theory) to replace evolution.
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Evolved Self Publishing

Provides reviews of several books exploring the impact of evolutionary theory on human nature.
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Survival of the Sweetest

This page discusses how the passage from scripture, "Every tree that does not bear fruit must be uprooted and thrown in the fire," might relate to science and evolution.
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Genealogy of Life

Provides a family tree of 2 million presumed historically real species. It suggest that hybridization is a means of speciation rather than just accumulated mutations.
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The Star Larvae Hypothesis

This hypothesis proposes a teleological model of nature. Stars constitute a genus of organism. The stellar life cycle includes a larval phase and all biological life constitutes the larval phase of the stellar life cycle.
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Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny

Argues that evolution is a regular, not random process, and that the time scale in evolution can be calculated.
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Cosmos and Gaia: Foundations for a New Theory of Evolution

Provides a view of the evolutionary phenomenon more suited to the 21st century and beyond the controversy between Darwinism and creationism.
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