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Organizations Websites

- Category ID : 348401
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Palmetto Project, Inc.

Non-profit organization whose mission is to put new ideas to work solving problems in the state. Find out about areas of activity, including health care, schools, and community development.
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South Carolina Association of Non-Profits

Improves charitable services by strengthening the leadership and management of local organizations; includes details on membership, education and training, and extensive links.
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District 58 Toastmasters

Self improvement organization working to build communication and leadership skills; find out about events, membership, and training.
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Harvest Hope Food Bank

Non-profit clearinghouse whose mission is to gather and share quality food. Map of service area, list of programs, and ways to help.
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Grand Masonic Lodge of South Carolina

Ancient Free Masons. Contact information, lodges, officers, and announcements.
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Make-A-Wish of South Carolina

Grants the wishes of children with life threatening illnesses. Provides a newsletter, how to volunteer, wish stories, giving, and how to refer a child.
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Home Works of America

Irmo based Christian organization that provides home repairs; includes photos, information on volunteering, and a mission statement.
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Palmetto Family Council

Faith-based educational foundation concerned with life-long committed marriage, the relationship between parent and child, sexual responsibility, the definition of marriage, life issues, legal issues and public and private gaming.
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South Carolina Association of Community Action Partnerships

Addressing the needs of the state^s low-income, vulnerable, and indigent population served by Community Action agencies and Head Start programs. Includes forum, calendar of events, and directory of board members.

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