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Military Websites

This category is for listing sites that concern the make up of the United States military community: its people, and resources and institutions that serve military and former-military personnel and family. This category contains links to sites related to military interest groups, organizations, and personal pages. Sites may include but are not limited to:
  • Veterans groups, organizations and associations
  • Personal pages centered around military life
  • POW-MIA organizations
  • American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Marine Corps League, and similar groups
- Category ID : 343496
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Military Family Research Institute

Research, news, and information for individuals charged with improving policies and practices focused on military quality-of-life.
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Navy League

A civilian organization dedicated to the education of U.S. citizens, including elected officials, and the support of the men and women of the sea services and their families.
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Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society

A private non-profit charitable organization providing financial, educational, and other assistance to members of the Naval Services of the United States.
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Armed Services YMCA

Information, programs, news, and links to 17 branches and other program sites, including those run by community YMCAs and the Defense Department.
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Non-Commissioned Officers Association

Political and fraternal organization serving current and former enlisted personnel of all branches of the American Armed Forces.
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American Gold Star Mothers, Inc.

An organization composed of American mothers who lost a son or daughter during in war or otherwise while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
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Military Wives

Portal to individual support sites for wives of the US Armed Forces.
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The Retired Enlisted Association

Source of legislative and health care information for active duty and retired enlisted personnel.
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Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA

Serves military personnel and families, patients in Veterans Administration hospitals, and federal employees serving overseas.
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United States Field Artillery Association

Professional association for Field Artillery personnel proves a bulletin board, historical information on OCS and Saint Barbara, Field Artillery prints, art, sculpture and memorabilia, location and contact information.
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The eMilitary Network

Installation community information site for military families. Contains relocation information about military installations and surrounding communities. Chat, forums, news features. Community content locally edited.
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United Service Organizations

The USO mission is to provide morale, welfare and recreation-type services to uniformed military Personnel. Nearly 120 USO Centers around the world.
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Day in the Life of the U.S. Armed Forces

In one 24-hour period, a team of photojournalists fanned out across the globe to photograph "A Day in the Life of the United States Armed Forces." View photographs and read about the assignments for this project.
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Gold Star Wives of America, Inc

Women whose husbands died while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States or from service connected disabilities.
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Congressional Medal of Honor Society

Society created by the U.S. Congress in remembrance of recipients of the Medal of Honor, the highest award that can given to military personnel.
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Military Officers Association of America

Headline news and briefs, polls, legislative updates, finances and benefits, membership and information, and publications.
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The Distinguished Flying Cross Society

A national organization dedicated to honoring and remembering recipients of the Distinguished Flying Cross.
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Society of American Military Engineers

SAME brings together professional engineers and those in engineering-related fields to improve and increase the engineering capabilities of the nation; and to exchange and advance the knowledge of engineering technologies, applications, and practices.
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Portal with news and forums.
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Tracings in the Sand

Collects photos and stories from military personnel who have served in Bahrain.
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Special Operations Warrior Foundation

Provides college scholarship grants, based on need, along with financial aid and educational counseling to the children of Special Operations personnel who were killed in an operational mission or training accident.
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Website offering tributes for American Soldiers. Contains information and available pages to set up a tribute webpage for individual soldiers. Also coordinates fundraisers going on to support our troops and families of troops.
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Society of Medical Consultants to the Armed Forces

Mission statement, history, newsletter, events calendar, code of ethics, and membership information.
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Operation: Love ReUnited

Non-profit foundation of photographers who help deploying military families capture images to remember their time together before or during, and at the return of a soldier to his or her family.
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National Military Family Association

Nonprofit committed to strengthening and protecting military families through family programs and enhancing benefits such as military spouse and children’s education, deployment support, spouse employment and health care.
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Spouse Buzz

A community site with posts for and about military spouses.
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AmeriForce Media

Non-classified information for United States military service members.

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