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Executive Websites

State offices and organizations charged with enforcing the law or providing important state services.- Category ID : 245651
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Idaho Department of Agriculture

Provides technical, financial, scientific, and marketing laboratory support for Idaho agriculture. Responsible for agricultural inspection and licensing.
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Office of the State Controller

Information about statewide accounting, payroll, and land board.
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Public Employee Retirement System

Provides disability and retirement benefits to members. Newsletters, information about benefits, workshop, and information for employers.
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Idaho Department of Finance

Regulates the banking and financial industry in Idaho.
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Bureau of Homeland Security

Its mission is to promote disaster prevention and recovery services. Includes emergency contact information and prevention tips.
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Idaho Department of Commerce

Promotes tourism, encourages business, and supports trade and commerce in Idaho.
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Idaho Department of Education

Oversees public education in Idah
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Idaho Department of Administration

Mission is to deliver cost-effective, quality, dynamic support services to all state agencies.
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Idaho Human Rights Commission

Information about job discrimination laws.
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Idaho Department of Lands

Supervises and manages public lands in Idaho.
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Idaho Transportation Department

ITD oversees highways, rail, and other transportation and infrastructure in Idaho.
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Idaho Department of Insurance

The mission of the Department of Insurance is to equitably, effectively and efficiently administer the Idaho Insurance Code and the Uniform Fire Code.
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Idaho State Parks and Recreation

Manages state parks and visitor centers. Information about facilities, passes, and volunteering.
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Department of Environmental Quality

Mission is to protect human health and the quality of air, land, and water. Includes requests for public comments, event calendar, and information about waste management programs and permits.
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Idaho State Police

Enforces state laws through the state police and by supporting local law enforcement agencies.
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Idaho Department of Corrections

Our mission is protection of the public in a cost-effective manner while maintaining professional standards and promoting successful offender re-entry into the community.
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Idaho Secretary of State

Information about elections, registered businesses, trademarks, and lobbyists.
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Idaho Soil Conservation Districts

Listing, guidelines for City and County Soil Conservation Districts in the state of Idaho.
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Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission

Providing support and service to Idaho Soil & Water Conservation Districts in the wise use and enhancement of soil, water, and related resources.
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Idaho Department of Labor

Assists Idaho residents in finding jobs, and oversees workfare, migrant farm workers, unemployment insurance, and other labor-related items
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Idaho State Fire Marshal

Department directory, information about fire inspector certification, event calendar, and annual reports.

Subcategories under Executive 2

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