The legislative branch of the United States government is comprised of the two houses of the US Congress and their affiliated offices. The makeup and powers of Congress are detailed in Article I of the US Constitution.- Category ID : 242739
An independent, bipartisan commission chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Directory of Congressional resources including the official pages for the US Senate and House, access to Congressional Archive collections, Roll Call Online, and a biographical directory of Congress from 1774-present.
Assists members of Congress in organization and education for their intellectual and social benefit and provides educational information about Congress to the general public.
Explains the work and role of Congress. Includes an extensive series of articles with materials for teachers and journalists, surveys, media series and interactive learning modules.
Analysis of the personal finances of all 535 members of Congress reveals how the nation’s lawmakers position their portfolios and how they win and lose money on Wall Street.
Live mobile-only video of the House and Senate floors, Congressional hearings and press conferences from around the Hill, including archives, free to American people.
Details the U.S. legislative process maintained by the Library of Congress. Search bills and laws by number or keyword, find links to members of the House and Senate, calendars, text of historical documents, and the Congressional Record with roll call votes.