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Maps and Views Websites

This category includes links to maps, photograph sites, live web cams, satellite imagery, and any visual representation of the area.- Category ID : 195547
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Alaska Climate Research Center

Maps showing both current and forecast Alaskan weather.
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Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection

Alaskan maps provided by the University of Texas at Austin
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Alaska Map: National Geographic Society

A basic map designed to be easily duplicated for classroom use. Available in two versions, one with city names and one without.
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Alaska Volcanoes and Volcanics

Maps and graphics from the United States Geological Survey cover various areas of volcanic activity.
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Color Landform Atlas: Alaska

Includes a series of 10 shaded relief maps, covering both the entire state and enlargements of individual areas.
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1895 Map of Alaska

Oversized (2425 x 1700 pixels), detailed, colorful map of the entire state, by Rand McNally.
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AGDC Datasets

Elevation models, maps, and ftp geographic information sites for State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Forest Service, and Municipal and Borough maps.
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Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse

Large collection of maps and data sets, including digital elevation, special-interest maps of environmental resources, maps of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other federal lands, and links to other state geographic data websites.
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Route of the Harriman Alaska Expedition 1899

Topographic map with route shown, along the Alaska coast up to the Bering Strait and return.
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State Regional Maps

Maps showing the five regions of the state, with major rail and ferry connections.
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Alaska Marine Highway System

Route maps and running times.
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Alaska Map: Lonely Planet

A compact map showing locations of major cities and national parks.
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