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Disability Resources Websites

Links relating to any aspect of disability, and living with a disability, in Alabama.- Category ID : 194321
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Space Camp for Students with Visual Impairments

Hands-on science curriculum for students in upper elementary through high school grades who are blind and visually impaired. Program highlights include presentations by blind or otherwise disabled NASA professionals on career awareness and occupational opportunities in science.
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Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind

Education and rehabilitation system serving children and adults who are deaf, blind and multidisabled. Information on schools, regional centers, Industries for the Blind, and the special equestrians program.
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Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program

Protection and Advocacy program serving eligible individuals with disabilities in Alabama. Responds to allegations of abuse, neglect and violations of rights of persons with disabilities or discrimination based on their disability. Excellent database of Alabama disability resources, online special education publications, description of services, and links.
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Lakeshore Foundation

Serves men and women, children and adults, who have experienced a wide range of conditions including arthritis, MS, spinal cord injury, strokes, amputations, head injury or cerebral palsy. Support comes from a wide variety of programs and includes sponsorship, coaching, resource materials, and education.
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Achievement Center - Easter Seal of East Central Alabama

Provides vocational development and extended employment programs for physically, mentally, and developmentally disabled individuals. Serving Chambers, Lee, Macon, Russell and Tallapoosa counties.
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Alabama Association for Persons in Supported Employment (AL-APSE)

Education, technical assistance and training, advocacy and support for people with disabilities, family members, employers, and employment specialists. Calendar, message board, newsletter, and links.
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Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network

Information on temporary relief for caregivers and families of people with disabilities.
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State Resources Literacy and Learning Disabilities - Alabama

Contact information for literacy resources.
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Alabama Lions Sight Conservation Association

Founded to conserve sight by avoiding and preventing blindness; to preserve sight by treating diseases and injuries to the eye and to restore lost vision where possible.
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Alabama Department of Mental Health

The state agency responsible for serving Alabama citizens with intellectual disabilities, mental illnesses, and substance use disorders. Database of mental health providers in the state.
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Civitan International Research Center

Coordinates and conducts research related to human development, mental retardation, and developmental disabilities. Listing of programs and links at the UAB Civitan International Research Center with information about mental retardation and developmental disabilities.
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Easter Seals Alabama

Helps children and adults with disabilities to live with equality, dignity, and independence. Description of services, volunteer opportunities, and contact information.
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Southeast Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center - Alabama Affiliate

Helps facilitate voluntary compliance with and effective implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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