This category includes information about the natural environment of the London area, as well as scientific activities specific to London.- Category ID : 155795
Provides information on mobile phone health issues, summaries of health reports, explanations of base stations and mobile masts, and planning policies and best practice models for mast developments.
A resource centre for Londoners fighting health and safety hazards in their workplace and community. This site is for union and community organisers anywhere who need health and safety information.
Part of the School of Health and Life Sciences at King’s College. Details of work of teams for modelling to predict air pollution, monitoring and analysis of air quality, and emissions
Membership organisation aiming to promote and facilitate the delivery of environmental education in Greater London. Articles, about, events, including workshops and seminars, links.
Information about the charity, including purpose, projects, achievements, publications, links, news and contact for free advice from a network of lawyers and other volunteers specialising in environmental matters, and referral service at their central office.
Storage facility for biological and clinical materials. Samples kept at ambient, refrigerated, frozen, ultra low and liquid nitrogen vapour temperatures. Provides company information.